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Some ways you know you've gone a little overboard with Redwall....

1. You buy a plastic sword, and shield and name them, "Ratdeath" and "The Shield of Martin"
2. You call the woods in the back of your house, "Mossflower Woods"
3. Whenever you pass a stream you always look for Skipper and his Crew
4. You search Wisconsin from top to bottom, because they call it the Badger State
5. You finally get your friends to help you raise money to buy Sandstone Blocks, and construct an Abbey in the woods
6. You bare your teeth at every ferret you see
7. For your "Abbey" you take a sewing class, and make your own Tapestry
8. You know all the recipes in the books by heart, and can cook it well
9. Your friends begin calling you a Redwall name (ex:"Rab Streambattle")
10. When you see an Abbey in the countryside you beg your parents to stop, when they do you look everywhere for the mice clad in green habits
11. You are in 20 Redwall Clubs, and have one of your own
12. You name the Seasons
13. You’ve successfully banned every exterminator from your town
14. You call the local squirrels names like, Sam, Jess, Janglur and Oak Tom
15. You correct your friends whenever they pronounce Salamandstron incorrectly
16. You’ve adopted a baby badger and named him Russano
17. In school pictures you’re most likely to be seen wearing a tunic, a green habit, or battle-armor
18. You’ve looked on every world map for Southsward, Ruddaring, Mossflower, and Sampetra more than twice
19. You know every Redwall story by heart
20. Every stuffed animal you own is either Vermin or a Good Beast and they have names accordingly
21. You report people to TOS on AOL for people insulting Redwall
22. You call up a book-dealer in England and order the latest Redwall book
23. You are constantly thinking up new Redwall names and wondering if Brian Jacques will use them
24. You go to a river and shriek, "Logalogalogalogalogalog!" and wait hours for the Guosim
25. Every book report you do is on Redwall
26. When you read "Martin the Warrior" when Rose dies, you break down sobbing uncontrollably
27. Whenever you see someone with "Mole Bombs" you give a 7 hour explanation why they shouldn’t use them
28. You pick up the accent of your favorite Redwall character
29. Every time you see a group of people arguing you grab a Black Pebble and stick it under their noses saying, "Stupid shrews!"
30. You actually understand this
31. You can translate and speak Mole Speech fluently
32. You eat a Redwall meal every day, and don’t eat meats except for the occasional fish
33. Whenever you see a snake you think it’s Admodeus
34. You insist writing on birchbark parchments
35. You hate any kind of Hunter
36. You whittle figures of Redwall characters
37. Every time you find a poem/riddle you wonder if Martin the Warrior wrote it
38. Many times in the schoolyard, you're found yelling,"Redwaaaaallll!!"
39. You get ticked off whenever anyone says a Redwall name such as Brome or Salamandstron in correctly
40. Instead of using regular Chess Players you have little otter, mole, shrew, mouse, and hare warriors
41. It's amazing you're still intrested in this
42. Your eyes have been known to go red in front of rats, weasels, stoats, and ferrets
43. You growl whenever someone mentions Cluny or Gabool
44. You practically choke the person who says Redwall is only suitable for Adults
45. You've designed your own Redwall Virtual Reality Game
46. You argue with scientists about the intelligence of mice
47. Almost every thing you do is Redwall related
48. You e-mail and mail Ty Warner saying he should make a mouse named Martin and a Mole named Grumm
49. You make real weapons and train with them
50. You listen hard whenever anyone brings up the subject of Redwall
51. You call toddlers Dibbuns
52. You get cravings for Skilly'n'Duff, Hotroot Soup and October Ale (Who wouldn't?!?)
53. You set up Sling Practise and Archery Targets inside the Abbey Walls
54. Many times you can be found writing letters to National "Rodent" Exterminators on how they should stop the company
55. You make your own barrel boats and sail around your own pond
56. You know every wild animal in the neighborhood, but only converse with Redwall related ones
57. Sometimes you refer to a person you don't like as a "worm"
58. Your cat is named Squire Julian
59. You start your own Ship-Building Company and call it "Blaggut's 24 Hour Ship-Building"
60.You think a ferret named Veil saved your life
61. You scorn your brother if he calls a hare a rabbit

Well this is all we have at the moment. I'm always open to suggestions for this!


