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Submit Your Site to TOP 10 Search Engines

Use my site for Promotion of your web site to Top 10 Search Engines of the World. It will submit your URL to these Search Sites, so that if any one search for any information which is available on your site, the search result will return your sites address. This can easily generate traffic to your site. Also if someone is looking for an information which is available with you, he/she can get it because your site is listed on the search sites. This is what internet is all about. You also start your information search from one of these search engines. But before you submit your site, you must prepare your pages to clearly specify the TAGS for search engines. If you do not know what I am saying, please follow this link.

So, go ahead and make yourself listed. Let the world know you are there. Let them come to you. Good Luck.

Free Top Ten Search Engine Submission!

Excite What-u-Seek WebCrawler NetFind Lycos
InfoSeek Alta Vista Hot Bot Goto Northern Light
Site Title URL
Name Email
Click here for Free Advertising

Find out how to insert this at your website!

How to Put TAGs for Search Engines

Search Engines are keeping records of web pages submitted to them. But if your web page contains information about JOBS or ZOKES, how the search engine know that your page should be returned whenever one search for ZOKES or JOBS? They can not keep all the words of your page in their record. So, they only keep two sections from your page for their reference. These sections are "keywords" and "description". "keywords" denotes the words about the contains of your page. In actual, this contains the words on which search, your page should be returned. So, be careful when inserting this TAG. "description" is a simple description in one or two lines about your page. Most of the search engine display the contains of this TAG while showing the page address to give user a fair idea what the page contains. So, you need to describe your page in one or two lines into this TAG.

Now how to insert these TAGs into your page. You must note that you have to insert these TAGs on each and every page of your web site. These TAGs will describe that page only. Yes, in your main page (index.html or the first page to be loaded from your site) you must give all the revelent words of all your pages (Just like you are giving the links to all those pages from that page). These TAGs are placed between <HEAD> and </HEAD> section of your page. Put the TAGs like this:

<META name="keywords" content="free advertisement,search engine registration, promotion, web page promotion, advertise your web page, submit, site submission, search engine submission,search, free web site promotion">

<META name="description" content="Submit your web site to Top 10 Search Engines for Free">

Here, keywords are free advertisement, search engine registration, promotion etc. So, if anyone search with any of these words, this page is return by search engines. So, I think you are clear on how to set META TAGs of your page. Now go back to Submit your page.

Enjoy! Send your page link to me also. Soon I am starting a Web Page of the Week Award. This Award is for web page submitted to me only. And to qualify, your page must be on any of the free servers around the Net (not prefessional). Lets hope you get the first award!

Binay Kumar Pandey

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