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If you like to edit your own page then help yourself out! this is for member or people who like to become BeViet member. NOTE: Read the instruction below before you edit your own page.


1: You can now edit your own page, then send it in today! take time.
2: After you finish click on Generate Source.
3: If you like to make adjustments if you want in the text area.
4: Click on View to check out your page.
5: If you want to save the source as a file you will have to cut and paste to a text editor, then send this page to us

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Your favorite sites:

Feel free to fill in.

If this is not enought for you! then try the HTML editor II. This one might help you a little more! Hopefully you can make yourself a little cute home. So take time and do it slowly, there's nothing to be rushed :o) Enjoy our BeViet ChatLine you will be happier! If you still unsure how to make a homepage! then try HTML helper! or click here if you want to take a look at the HTML Tutor Take care!

We'll try to post more cool stuffs on our Website so come back later for more cool things! If you have any comments or sugguestions Let us know thanks see you again real soon.

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