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Genelogy Information

Everyone at some point becomes interested in finding out about their families history.  Below is a list of links that will help you to find out some of that history.  Other good sources are old family Bibles, marriage records, land records, and by information obtained from relatives.  I found out from relatives that my great great grandfather was Native American, but no one seemed to know what type.   After researching sites on the internet and sending out queries to a few sites, I learned that he was Cherokee and that he had escaped the 'Train of Tears' as a child and came into what is now Braxton Co., WV and was adopted by some white folks.   By doing research like this you can find out a lot of interesting things.

Other sources that you can check are the census records,   these take some time to look through but it's worth it.

Software for keeping track of your Genelogy information can be found on the internet.  The on that I use is called Brother's Keeper, it allows for a lot of reports and will also tell you if you have some date in incorrectly; like if you have someones being married before they have been born.  There are many other sites out there, these are just a few.  Just search for 'Genelogy'.   Some of my Genelogy information: John Jenkins (Cherokee)

Genelogy Links:   - West Virginia Genelogy site. - Morman Genelogy site. - Applachian American Indians of West Virginia web page. - Cherokee By Blood web page. - Western Cherokee Nation Web page. - Eastern Band of the Cherokee Web page. - So your Grandmother was a Cherokee Princess. - Links to multiple Genelogy Sites. - You can search on a given name. - List of unclaimed Civil War Metals for West Virginia. - Brother's Keeper Genelogy Software.


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