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About The Ivory Elephant

The Ivory Elephant is merely a statement of absolute irony. The very thought of an elephant being slaughtered for it's precious ivory, and then that ivory being carved into an elephant is an image that is ridiculous, and yet plausable.

We can never put it past us as human beings to do the unthinkable.

This website, however, was created in April 2000. The website is run by me, Robert Duhaime.

For those of you who are wondering why this website is so unimpressive and graphically challenged, it has to do with my obsession with not using up web space. Traditional HTML wastes very little of it, and is perfect for a poetry forum, which this is.

The Ivory Elephant is not responsible in any way for stolen or plagiarized work. The poet retains all the rights to the work submitted and have an option of withdrawing them at any time.

The Ivory Elephant promises not to misuse or plagiarize poet's work in any way. We understand that this belongs to you and we are using it with your permission and that it may be withdrawn at any given time. So welcome to the site! Once it can be seen how many members discover this little gem of a site, I can begin worrying about what I want to do with it and such.

I look forward to the months ahead.

-Robert Duhaime