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Color Therapie

Thanks for visiting ouor site of color therapie.
Here you can select your own therapie based on color impression.

How it works.

When we look around, our brain interpret the color perception
of the picture we are looking at. This process continues all days,
a whole day long. Now, in normal situation we see many different colors
on a day. Our brain regulates its self like this is the normal situation.
Experiments have proven that we can influence our brain behaviour by
looking at a predefined color.
Dependent on what color we are looking, we have a different
interpretion. You can say, "i see different colors every day, so i'm in
a 'normal status'". But look at these examples:

    * Your living room have yellow walls, every day you look
      at great yellow plains. The most dominant color for you

    * Your a driver, your dominant color is gray. Because your
      looking a whole day at the road.

    * Your a gardner, your dominant color is green.

    * .....

See everybody have a dominant color in live. Try to find our wich is yours!
The dominant color influences our behaviour. ( Like we all now that red
make people more aggresive).
Color therapie is based on looking to the opposite color to neutralize this
behaviour. Another therapie is to look at a certain color to enhance the
assigned behaviour.


Clicking on one of the following links guides you to a page with a colored
animation. (Can take a few seconds to load)
Place your head aboud 10 a12 cm (2 a 3 inches) from the screen. This is
to decrease sideways influences and to make sure yout eyes are not looking
at a screen with a picture, but are looking through the picture, so you can
maximize the effect.
Take a session of 5 minutes, best in the morning, repeat this like needed.
(mostly 3 a 4 days) to get good results. Some people have already a good
result after one session.


Blue Session:
Choose this when you want to relax.
This session is restful.
Red is your dominant color.

Red Session:
Choose this when blue is your dominant color.
You want to speed up your life a bit.

Green Session:
The green session is like nature, it brings your brain to balance.
The green session can always choosen, no matter what your dominant color is
(except green).

Yellow Session:
The yellow session enhances the throughput of your brain.
It's a natural way to increase your memory capability.

Orange Session:
Choose this when you green is your dominant color.
Oranges gives you more passion in life.

White Session:
When your dominant color is a dark color, like when your a night worker.
The white session can also be used in winter times, and is best followed
by the green session to bring you back in balance.

Navigation Bar
How it works

Blue Session
Red Session
Green Session
Yellow Session
Orange Session
White Session
1999, copyright (c) Cfox