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Runs & Runholders in Early Hawkes Bay

Hawkes Bay was not settled under the usual organised Association. Therefore there is no offical records of the first settlers of the land. The following like my other related pages may help to indiciate who those settlers were.

Land sold at Ahuriri by Wellington Provincial Council between March 1853 and December 1854 and Wellington Provincial Council Blue book 1856 lists the following names (including some Wairarapa land):

HARDING, John - North Bank, Tukituki River, 450 acres
RUSSELL, Thomas P. - North Bank, Tukituki River, 500 acres
RUSSELL, H.R. - North Bank, Tukituki River, 300 acres
RUSSELL, H.R. - Tukituki River, Patangata, 600 acres
JOHNSTON, John - On Run applied for at Ahuriri, 150 acres
RUSSELL, H.R. & T.P. - Waipukurau, 500 acres
ABBOTT, F. Sedgwick - On the Waipawa River, 60 acres,
RUSSELL, Henry R. - Waipukurau, 500 acres
GIBBES, Samuel O.(Sir) - Waipukurau, on Banks of Tukituki, 100 acres,- however apparently never lived in Waipukurau - he became Resident Magistrate at Whangarei in the 1860's
MEREDITH, Edwin - Waipuk., east of Matawhero Swamp, 500 acres, he appears not to have lived at Waipukurau. Most of his land appears to have been sold almost at once to H.R Russell and Alfred Newman
MEREDITH, Edwin - Waipuk., adjoining above, 1000 acres
MEREDITH, Edwin - Waipuk., west of Mangatarata Stm, 165 acres
MEREDITH, Edwin - Waipuk., adjoining Sir S.O. Gibbes, 150acres
MEREDITH, Edwin - Waipuk., between Hatuma and Ngatoro Lakes, 100 acres
GOLLAN, Donald - Waipuk., on Mangatarata Stream, 250 acres
MEREDITH, Edwin - Waipuk., Native Reserve, 80 acres
ALEXANDER, Alex - On Tutaekuri at Puketapu, 240 Acres
GUTHRIE, Thomas - Homestead at Castle Point, 50 acres
RHODES, W.B. & CHAPMAN, A. - In Hapuku's Block for homestead, 80 acres
SUTHERLAND, Alexander - Puketoi Block at Akitio, 200 acres
JOHNSTON, John - In Mohaka Block on River, 75 acres
TOLLEMACHE, Algernon - On Waipawa and Tukituki Rivers and Patangata Plain, 16 Sect., 11320 acres, a wealthy man who came to NZ in 1850, he appears to have purchased a large number of sections on behalf of several runholders who could not finance the purchases for themselves. He acted as Mortgagee
CARTER, J.C. Lambton - Waiohinganga River Bank, 300 acres
ANDERSON, James - On Waikari River, Mohaka Block, 80 acres
RHODES, W.B. & CHAPMAN, A. - Adjoining previous selection, 40 acres
CURLING, Edward S. - On the Ngakataima River, 40 acres
SMITH, J. Valentine - Homestead, Ahiaruhe block, 40 acres
KELHAM, Jas. - Homestead, Akitio River, 40 acres
NORTHWOOD, J.H. - Six Sections in Hapuku Block, 640 acres
GUTHRIE, Thomas - Three Sections at Castle Point, 300 acres

Names of some Ahuriri residents or Property holders claiming enrolment on the 1853 Wellington Roll

F.S Abbott, Ahuriri - Alex. Alexander, Wharerangi - Richard Collins, Te Ore Ore - Edward Collins, Tumurao and Tuingara (Pourerere Beach) - Donald Gollan, Waipukurau - John Harding, Wellington & Ahuriri - Nairn, Charles, Overseer, Pourerere - Jas. Northwood, Ahuriri (Pourerere) - William Barnard Rhodes, numerous properties and "Freehold of 100,000 acres at Ahuriri purchased from the natives - Russell, John Purvis, Whangaimoana and Ahuriri - Russell, Purvis, ditto - Russell, Henry Robert, ditto - Russell, Robert, ditto

Early Stations in Hawkes Bay and the first Owners/Occupiers

Listed alphabetically by name of Station. Many of the runs changed hands several times very early in their history, and others were divided into two or three runs. Most of the station names were transplanted from England,Scotland or Ireland. I have concentrated mostly on stations which predate the mid 1870's.

Note: You can use the 'Find' Option on your Browser to locate specific names. Remember it will not take into account any variations in spelling - which was common back in the 1800's.

ABBOTSFORD - Frederick Sedgwick Abbott(1851)
AORANGI - E. and A. Tuke
ARAMOANA - P.A. McHardy 1894 (orig. part of Blackhead)
ARAPAWANUI - John McKinnon 1862. John was born in Outer Hebrides in 1825 - came to NZ on 'Kirkwood' in late 1850's leaving her at Wairoa
ARLINGTON - Capt. Alfred Newman (Indian Navy). arrived on 'Selma' in 1853 with wife and 3 sons
ASHCOTT - J. and W. Tucker 1853/4, came from Ashcott, Somerset
BLACKHEAD - J.H. Coleman and Alexander McHardy 1873. McHardy was born 1830 and came to NZ in 1863 from Corgaff, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
BRAEBURN - John White 1860. White was the local postmaster, storekeeper and hotel keeper at Porangahau. born 1840 Kent.
BURNSIDE (TAKAPAU) - Alex. Grant 1854. Grant was born 1821. He came from Brora, Sutherlandshire, Scotland and arrived in Port Nicholson in 1842
CLIFTON - Was originally part of kidnappers station. In 1861 James Gillespie Gordon purchased this property and named in Clifton. Gordon came to NZ in 1859 from India
CLIVE GRANGE - W.B. and Joseph Rhodes (1839), William Barnard Rhodes was born 1807, England. He first came to NZ in 1836 before organised settlement.
CLYDE BANK - Duff Bros. 1870. The Duff Bros. came from Edderton, Rosshire, Scotland and arrived NZ in the early 1860's. Prior to the Duff Bros. the homestead area was said to be held by a J. Davis and then a John Lavin for a short while.
CRICKLEWOOD - Thomas James Steele , mid 1870's - Steele was a lawyer in London. Born in Cricklewood near London in 1844 and came to NZ in 1874
DOONSIDE - G.A. Oliver and F.F. Ormond
EDENHAM - Alfred Chapman in Conjunction with W.B. & Joseph Rhodes(1851), Chapman arrived NZ on 'Cornwall' in 1849 with younger brother Frederick. They were the sons of Rev. William Emerson Chapman, vicar of Edenhnam, near Bourne in Lincolnshire.
ELMSHILL - Frederick John Tiffen,(1859), was the son of a printer in Hythe, Kent
ELSTHORPE - Dr George Dalrymple Monteith 1857, he was the first Doctor to serve in the Wgtn Hospital. He arrived in NZ with wife and family in 1840 on the 'Duke of Roxburgh'
EPARAIMA - J.D. Ormond & David Fleming
EVERTREE (HEAVITREE) - William Glenny 1862
FAIRFIELD - William Fannin 1855, arrived NZ on 'William Scott' in 1853 Nelson, he was from Westmeath, Ireland
FERNHILL - Thomas Tanner 1865 who sold it to James Gillespie Gordon who immediately sold it to his son Cpat. Thomas Edward Gordon and Capt. Kenrick J. Hill
FLAXMERE - Capt. Andrew Hamilton Russell and Capt. William Russell Russell(c.1868). W.R.Russell was born 1838 in Sandhurst, Berkshire and came to NZ as part of the 58th Regiment in 1857
FLEMINGTON - David Staig Fleming 1863, born 1835 at St Andrews, Fifeshire, Scotland, arriving Auckland in 1856 on 'Sandford'
FOREST GATE - Richard John Duncan 1853 of Wellington who placed his son J. Russell Duncan in charge.
FRIMLEY - J. N. Williams 1864
GLENBROOK - James Anderson 1854
GREEN LONAN - R. Breingan
GREENMEADOWS - H. S. Tiffen 1857 & Henry and George Alley. All of them arrived on the 'Brougham' in 1842
GWAVAS - Major George Gwavas Carlyson (part Chas. Pharazyn). However it was the Pharazyn's who first owned the property. Mr & Mrs C.J Pharazyn and four sons, Charles, Edward, Robert and Willie arrived on the 'Jane' in 1841 from London. They came to Hawkes Bay in the early 1850's. Major Carlyson purchased part of the Pharazyn lands c. 1857/8 and built the homestead in 1861.
HAWKESTON(E) - Jas. Hallett
HEDGELEY - Part of the original 11500 acres applied for by William Villers in 1855. Villers was a carpenter born in 1808. He arrived in Wgtn in 1840 with his wife and two small children. His wife died and he later married Robina Agnes McKain
HERBERTS OF HERBERTVILLE - Joseph Herbert 1854. Herbert was born in Reading, Berkshire. He married Sara Woods at Farnham, Surrey in 1833. Both were born in 1814. Joseph, Sarah and son Jesse (b.1840) arrived Wellington on the 'London' in May 1842.
HOMEWOOD - H.S. Tiffen (1852). H. S. Tiffen was born in 1819. He came to NZ in 1842 on the 'Brougham'. A few days before leaving England in 1841 he married sixteen year old Caroline Ellen White of Hastings, England. Her brother Bertram White was already farming in the lower Wairarapa. Caroline and her newly born baby died in their first spring in NZ.
HORONUI - H.M. Campbell
HUKANUI - G. Peacock and Speedy
HURUMUA - Joseph Carroll and G.E.G.Richardson 1860's. Carroll was born in Sydney in 1814 and the name originally was O'Carroll which had come to Australia from County Cork. Joseph came to NZ in 1842
KAHURANAKI - William Couper 1854 - couper was born at Latheran Wheel, near Caithness in north Scotland in 1801. He came to NZ in 1840 with Janet Hillman (wife) and Elizabeth (daughter). Janet died in the 1840's in Wellington and William married in 1848 Margaret Knox (dau. of Dr Frederick Knox - one of Wgtn's first Doctors and the first Librarian. The family decided to ship to their Hawkes Bay property in 1856.
KAITOKI - Alex. Grant & Cruickshank 1860's
KAIWAKA - H. Russell and Davis
KAKARIKI - David Paton Balfour 1868 (was orginally part of Maungaharuru owned by Philip dolbel). Balfour was born in Scotland in 1841. He emigrated to Australia and then to the NZ goldfields. He came to the Hawkes bay in 1866
KARAMU - J.D. Ormond 1860's
KERERU - James Nelson Williams 1857. William's was born in 1837, the son of Bishop William Williams. He came to HB from Turanga in Feb. 1857.
KIDNAPPERS - Major Gordon
KIWI - Alex Gethin and Montague Stopford 1866
KNIGHTS - John Knight 1855 (orig. part of Abbotsford run). Knight was born in Penzance, cornwall in 1834 and came to NZ on the 'Duke of Roxburgh' in 1840.
LAKE STATION - R. Collins (1853)
LONGLANDS - James Henry Coleman c.1866, coleman was born 1833 at Crownthorpe Farm, near Norwich, England. He came to NZ in 1859 on the 'Mataoaka'.
MAHIA - George Walker was the pioneer of the districts farming industry. He was born in St Cyrus, Laurencekirk, Scotland in 1837 to Alexander Walker of Montrose and Elizabeth(sister of Alexander Alexander (Napiers first permanent trader and James Alexander - one of Wanganui's early settlers). He came to NZ in 1855 and settled with his uncle Alexander at Puketapu for a while.
MANGAKURI - W. Frederick Hargrave and Peter Couper c.1853. (Peter was the brother of William of Kahuranaki).
MANGAMAIRE - Charles Grant Crosse (1855). He was born in Essex in 1825. He married Elizabeth Thorby (who had been in NZ 10yrs having arrived on the 'Lady Nugent' in 1842).
MANGATARATA - Donald and Keith Gollan (1850). Donald had arrived in NZ in 1841. He married c.1859 Frederica de Pelichet, widow of the late C.L.W. de Pelichet, and dau. of Dr Howe of New Plymouth). Kenneth arrived christmas day 1856 on the 'Philip Laing'. Kenneth (from Linlithgow, West Lothian, SCT) had married Agnes Henderson (cousin of the famous Doulton pottery family). Both brothers were surveyors and bridgebuilding engineers.
MANGATORO - Capt. Geogre Douglas Hamilton and John Wilkinson (1863. Hamilton was born in France in 1835. He was educated on the continent and Edinburgh and came to NZ in 1857.
MANGAWHARE - Samuel Begg 1861
MARAEKAKAHO - Sir Donald McLean 1852. He was born on the Hebridean island of Tiree in 1820 and came to NZ in 1840.
MATAPIRO - Edward Tuke 1858-1864 and then by Cartwright Brown. Brown was born in Sussex in 1843 and came to NZ in 1862.
MAUNGAHARURU - Philip Dolbel (late 1850's). Dolbel was born 1827 in Jersey, Channel Islands. He came to NZ via Melbourne on 'Hokoporinga' in 1855.
MILBOURNE - Stokes Bros.1858 & 1864 (this station came into existance by the combination of two properties - Robert Pharazyn's and Thomas Tanners (The Brow)) Pharazyn was born in London in 1833 and arrived in Wgtn with his parents in 1841. Educated in Auckland and married Emily Whitbread Lomax at the age of 38yrs. He sold his land to the Stoke Bros. in 1858. Thomas Tanner sold his land c.1864 to the Stoke Bros. Robert Stoke arrived in NZ in 1840 on the 'Cuba' - his brother Dr John Milbourne Stokes came to NZ as surgeon on the 'Aurora' in 1840.
MOEANGIANGI - James Gillespie Gordon (of Clifton) 1862 and later joined by W. Finlayson.
MOHAKA - Robert Riddell 1855
MOKOPEKA - John Chambers (Snr) 1854
MOTUOTARAIA - William James Snodgrass 1853
MOUNT ERIN - D. Munn c.1853
MOUNT HERBERT - Henry Robert Russell 1851
MOUNT VERNON - John Harding 1852. He arrived in NZ on the 'Burmah' in 1842. He was the son of Thomas Harding of Southampton, England.
MUNGATURANGA - J.B. Brathwaite
NUHAKA - G. Walker
OAKBOURNE - John Davis Canning 1852. He arrived in NZ in 1851 on the 'Cornwall'. Born in 1822 Manor House at Ogbourne, St Andrew, Wiltshire. The name was originally spelt Cannynge.
OHINEPAKA - Neil Walker mid 1860's. Born in 1831, he came to NZ early in the 1850's with his brother Peter - they were the sons of Dugald Walker, Stewartfield Inn, Kilcalmorell, Argyllshire, Sct.
OKAWA - Thomas Lowry (1852). Born in 1814 at Crosby-in-Eden, Cumberland, he came to NZ on 'Ralf Burnell' in August 1846 to Auckland.
OLRIG - Hector William Pope Smith 1859-1861 (consisted of two stations). He was born in 1837 Olrig, near Thurso, Caithness, Scot. and arrived NZ in 1858 on the 'Mary Ann'
OMAKERE - Originally part of Pourerere.
OMARUNUI No. 1 - J. G. Kinross c. 1866 and later sold to John Bennett of Puketapu. Bennett was born 1837 and was from Tuxford, Nottinghamshire. At Puketapu he married Elizabeth Shirley from Horsington England. After her death he married her cousin Mary Jane Shirely who had come from Longbush, Invercargill. She had come up to look after the children.
OMARUNUI No. 2 - J.B. Brathwaite
ORINGI - (Hon) J.D. Ormond 1863
ORUA WHARO - John Johnston 1852. Johnston was born in 1809 - eldest son of Robert Johnston of Loveston, Ayreshire. He married Henrietta Charlotte Hatton of Atherston, Warwick and came to NZ in 1842 with their 3 children on the 'Prince of Wales'. Alex St Clair Inglis was a relative of J. Johnston.
OTAWHAO - J.D. Ormond
PATANGATA - Samuel Collins and son James in mid 1850's. The family came from Huntingdon, Nottinghamshire. They left England in 1846 for Australia and then came to NZ in 1854.
PENDLE HILL - Samuel Fletcher - was the first settler at Wakarara in 1864. He was born in 1838 at Clitherow, near Pendle Hill in Lancashire and came to NZ in 1856 on the 'Alma'.
PEKAPEKA - Leadham
PETANE GRANGE - Joseph Torr 1855. He was born in 1815 and arrived NZ in the early 1840's.
PIPI BANK - David Speedy (1856), David and Helen speedy plus 4 sons and 3 daughters were from Perthshire, Scotland. They sailed from Gravesend to NZ on 'William Beninck' in 1841.
POPORANGI - James Alexander 1856 and the lease was taken over by William Lyon in 1858. Lyon born in 1805 and raised in Glasgow came to NZ in 1840 on 'Duke of Roxburgh'
PORAITI - Capt. Henton
PORANGAHAU - George Hunter Jnr 1854. The hunter family arrived Wellington in February 1840 on the 'Duke of Roxburgh'. George Hunter Snr was the first Mayor of Wgtn.
POUKAWA - F.M.Chapman- early 1850's
POURERERE - J.H. Northwood and H.S Tiffen,1847
PUKETAPU and ROTOWHENUA - Alex. Alexander and Gollan
PUTORINO - James Anderson 1850's
RAUKAWA - R. & J. McDougall Bros. 1860's
RIVERSLEA - Thos. Tanner and William Rich 1864
RUATANIWHA - G. Worgan and Son - sold to J. Harding 1858
RUKUMOANA - Smith and W. Marshall
ST LAWRENCE (TE KOPANGA) - Edward Spencer Curling 1852
SHERWOOD - Edward Tucker - late 1860's. He arrived in New Plymouth in 1841 on the 'William Bryan'.
SMEDLEY - Josiah Howard 1850's. Born 1832 in England.
SPRINGFIELD - Dolbel Bros.
SPRINGHILL(MOHAKA) - Alexander Allen 1859 & Robert Riddell
SPRINGHILL (ONGA ONGA) - Alex St Clair Inglis & Charles Gully 1865. Inglis was born 1829 at Kirkmay House in Crail, Fifeshire, Sct. He arrived Wellington NZ in 1852. He married Maria Lambert.
SPRINGVALE - Jonathan Holden 1857. He was born 1822 and was a carpenter from Upper Darwin, Lancashire. He married Ann Lever in 1848 and came to NZ in 1857.
SUNNY-BRAES - Capt. Anderson
TAHEKE - Thomas Mason 1857. Mason was a Quaker. He arrived in NZ on the 'Olympus' late 1840 and bought the first cottage built in Wgtn.
TAHORAITI - J.D. Canning
TAMUMU - Edward Collins 1851. Collins was the son of a Kentish farmer. He arrived NZ aged 16yrs in 1841 on "Catherine Stuart Forbes'.
TANGAREWA (LAMBERTSFORD) - Capt. Charles Arundel Lambert 1857.
TANGOIO - E. Towgood
TAUTANE - Robert Douglas Wallace 1853 TE AUTE COLLEGE - Rev. Samuel Williams 1853. Born in 1822 at cheltenham, England. He arrived in the Bay of Islands in 1823 with his parents Rev Henry and Mrs Williams on the 'Brampton'.
TE AUTE STATION - Rev. S Williams early 1860's
TE MAHANGA - H. Hill and William Douglas pre 1860. Douglas was born 1835 and was the youngest son of William Douglas of Swinside Townhead Farm, near Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, Sct. He came to NZ c.1855.
TE MATA - John Chambers Sen. (1854). Chambers was born 1819, Derbyshire. He sailed to Australia in the 1840's where he met and married Margaret Knox from Fifeshire, Scotland. He his wife and 3 children (all born Bendigo, victoria) arrived NZ in 1852.
THE BROW - Thomas Tanner 1853. He was born 1830 in Wiltshire and came to NZ 1849 on the 'Larkins'.
TOURERE - John Knight 1860
TUKI TUKI - Ashton St Hill 1856
TUNANUI - Capt. Andrew Hamilton Russell 1861. He was born 1837 at Sandhurst, Berkshire. He came to NZ in 1857 with the 58th Regiment.
TURIROA - Powdrell Bros. 1860's. John and Joseph Powdrell sailed from Liverpool in 1856 to NZ on 'Indian'. They were the sons of Thomas Powdrell of Barhill Farm, cheshire.
UPPER MOHAKA - John Anderson
WAI STATION - Edward Towgood 1864 (a Napier Merchant). He arrived NZ in 1856 and married Edith Emma Tylee, dau. of J.T. Tylee of Napier.
WAIHUA - Henderson James Twig 1860's. He arrived NZ 1862 and married Elizabeth Mary Torr from Petane Grange.
WAIKARI - James Anderson 1850's.
WAIPUKA - Francis Bee 1852. He was a flourmiller from Nottingham. He married Ann Harris also from Nottingham and arrived in NZ 1842 on the 'London'.
WAIPUNA - G. Worgan
WAIROAITI - Capt. J.C.L. Carter
WAKARARA - Duff Bros.
WALLINGFORD - John Davies Ormond (Hon.), 1851. John was the son of Capt. Francis Ormond RN of Wallingford, Berkshire. He came to NZ in 1847 aged 15yrs on the 'Ralf Burnell'.
WHAKAKI - George Burton 1860's. He was born 1842 and was the first chairman of the Wairoa County Council
WHAKARARA - Alfred and Robert Price - early 1860's, but they never took possession of the run. They sold instead to Hugh Alexander & Robert Alexander Duff Bros. The Duff Bros. came from Edderton, Rosshire, Scotland. Leaving Scotland they first went to the Californian goldfields, then Australia and onto NZ in the early 1860's.
WHANGAEHU - Ashton, Henry and the Rev. Harry Woodford St Hill Bros. - early 1850's. Henry had previously been the police magistrate in Wgtn. Rev. Harry was the first resident Anglican clergyman in Napier (1859).
WHAREPONGA - Condie Bros.
WOBURN (HATUMA) - Thomas Purvis Russell and Daniel Riddiford 1851. Riddiford was born 1814 in England. He arrived NZ in 1840 on 'Adelaide'. He married Harriet Stone and retired to Hutt Valley in 1855. He never lived in Hawkes Bay. T.P Russell (known as Purvis Russell) came from Warrock, Kinrosshire, Scotland and arrived NZ 1842 on 'Prince of Wales'.
WOODLANDS - George Sisson Cooper 1850's. He arrived Auckland in 1841 on the 'Westminster' with his father. In 1847 became Asst. Private Secretary to Sir George Grey, In 1852 was appointed Native Land Purchase commissioner in Hawkes Bay and J.P. In 1861 was resident Magistrate and Native Officer. In 1868 was Under-Secretary for Native Affairs and Defence and in 1870 was Under-Secretary for the colony.
WOODTHORPE - O.L.W. Bousefield

Sheep Farmers of Hawkes Bay in 1856 and flock numbers

Abbott, F.S. 1200
Alexander, A. 1036
Canning, J.D. 1900
Carter, J.E.H. 805
Chapman, A. 2100
Chambers, J. 900
Collins, C. 1610
Couper, W. 1400
Curling, E.S. 1500
Duncan, J.R. 1000
Fannin, W. 1000
Gollan, Donald 5716
Grant, Alex. 1270
Hallet, Jas. 600
Harding, J. 1920
Hargreaves, W.F.1628
Inglis and Gully 1880
Lowry, F. 1300
Nairn, C. 6071
Newman, A. 1628
Oliver, G.A. 380
Ormond, J.D. 2652
Ormond, F.F. 400
Pharazyn, R. 1350
Rhodes, J. 3000
Russell, H.R. 1410
Snodgrass, W.J. 230
Tiffen, H.S. 1089
Tucker, J.and W. 992
Tuke, E. 1200
Williams, S. 800
Worgan, G. 500

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