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Welcome to Dino's Padded Cell

Welcome to my padded cell. I live here because someone in a black robe (and they call me insane for wearing only my boxers in public?) says I am a danger to myself and other people. Can you believe such a thing? Who is not at least a little insane? Anyways, I sort of like it here. I have a great bunch of friends who visit me often in my little room. They always bring me goodies, help out with the buckles on my jacket when no one else is looking, and they always find a way to help me to escape so I can go out and play. Not to mention the food is pretty good, I get all the coloring books & green jello I want, and the nurses......let me tell you about these nurses. Oops, I forgot I can't get into graphic detail without a disclaimer. Lets just say they take REALLY good care of me.

Those of you who already know me, all I can say is I am sorry and hope you don't publicly admit to it. For those who have not had the experience of knowing me, consider yourself lucky.
Well, visiting hours are over. Thanks for stopping by and visiting me. If you have the time, stop by and visit my favorite hiding places. Who knows, you might actually see me, if you look closely. Catch you on the flip side. And always remember, "No worries!"

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Why do I belong in a padded cell you might ask? Well here a couple reasons I have been told:

Some of my Favorite hiding places:

From the walls of Dino's Padded Cell
Angelfire - For a padded cell of your own
