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Entertaining Angels Unawares...


Pay attention to your dreams
angels often speak
directly to our hearts when
we are asleep

~ Angels Little Instruction Book ~


~ If You Come Across an Angel ~

Every day, in the world around us,
real-life angels are doing the things they do...
and bringing more smiles to the world around them...
Real-life angels build bridges instead of walls.
They don't play hide-and-seek with the truth,
they do whatever they can to help you.

Real-life angels understand difficulties
and always give the benefit of the doubt.
They don't hold others up to the standards
they can't live by themselves.
Real-life angels are what "inner beauty" is all about.
Real-life angels don't hold things against you;
the only thing they you.

They take your hand in theirs
when you could use a little reassurance.
They walk beside you when you could do with a little
guidance and direction in your life.
And they support you in your attempts to do what is right.

Real-life angels multiply your smiles
and add to you interegrity.
They make you feel like,
"Hey, I really am somebody who matters."
Then they quietly prove to you how beautiful
and true that feeling really is.

If you come across an angel like this,
you are one of the luckiest people of all.
If someone in your life
is wonderfully like an angel to you,
it's important to let them know.
It's the nicest compliment you could ever give...
in all the days of your life
and in all the years that you live.

~ Author Unknown ~

~ Dance of the Angels ~

If you knew that I could see through you,
your colors would never show
Because the vision that's revealed to us,
is not the person that we know

Some lead with their heads,
Others hide behind their heart
And those that follow theirs,
are the leaders of the "art"

The Angels came before us,
danced the lessons of today
The audience that heard music,
felt the movement say...

It's the Dance of the Angels
that keeps heaven and earth apart
It's the Dance of the Angels
that leaves messages of the heart

Some will learn to listen,
Some will never hear
Some can touch a wing,
and some come very near

You have to earn your right to fly,
your obligation to the dance
Sacrifice and honor,
a willingness to take a chance

An angel never forfeits
another mortal's love
It's a lesson that's imprinted on their souls
from up above

Be careful not to glance,
at a glittering starlight's pace
Study all there is to see,
within your lover's gentle face

Because the Angels give flickering notice,
when the parting must begin
Never ask them if tomorrow,
Will be yours to share again

You can only redeem a promise,
while devoted to the earth
And when you arrive in heaven,
you'll grasp the knowledge of its worth

If you know you're not a dancer,
and your spirit cannot sway
Surround yourself with those who lilt,
and try to learn today

To join the Dance of Angels,
wrap your arms around the skin
Be your lover's velvet blanket,
and show your heart within

Wipe away the tear,
that nourished the soul inside
Kiss the lashes on the windows,
when all the joy has cried

Sweep away the hair,
that hides the loving smile
Rock gently side by side,
make it forever and awhile

This is how the Angels,
begin to learn the dance
It's the spirit of the flight,
delay your quickening glance

Look closely at your presence,
question why it is you're here,
Give a purpose to your being,
and be grateful that you're near

Nearer to discovery
and all you've come to hold,
It's the Dance of the Angels,
showing how we unfold

The truth is easy to discard,
Ignore and walk away
And to have Danced with an Angel,
was the fate of your today

Some will learn to listen,
Some will never hear
Some can touch a wing,
Some came very near

It's the Dance of the Angels,
that keeps heaven and earth apart
It's the Dance of the Angels,
that leaves messages of the heart
~ Author Unknown ~



Two traveling angels stopped to spend the
night in the home of a wealthy family.

The family was rude and refused
to let the angels stay in the
mansion's guest room.

Instead the angels were given
a space in the cold basement.
As they made their bedroom
the hard floor,
the older angel saw a
hole in the wall and repaired it.
When the younger angel asked why,
the older angel replied....

"Things aren't always what they seem."

The next night the pair came to rest
at the house of a very poor,
but very hospitable
farmer and his wife.

After sharing what little food they had,
the couple let the angels sleep
in their bed where they could
have a good nights' rest.

When the sun came up the next morning
the angels found the farmer
and his wife in tears.
Their only cow,
whose milk had been their
sole income, lay dead in the field.

The younger angel was infuriated and
asked the older angel
"how could you have let this happen!?
The first man had everything,
yet you helped him," she accused.
"The second family had so little, but
was willing to share everything, and you let
their cow die."

"Things aren't always what they seem,"
the older angel replied.

"When we stayed in the basement
of the mansion,
I noticed there was gold stored
in that hole in the wall.
Since the owner was
so obsessed with greed and unwilling
to share his good fortune,
I sealed the wall so he wouldn't find it.

Then last night as we slept
in the farmers bed,
the angel of death came for his wife.

I gave her the cow instead.

"Things aren't always what they seem. "

Sometimes this is exactly
what happens when things
don't turn out the way you
think they should.

If you have faith,
you just need to trust that
every outcome is always
to your advantage.
You might not know it until some time later.

"Things aren't always what they seem."

Author Unknown



Once in an age, God sends to some of us a Friend who loves in us.... not the person that we are, but the Angel we may be.


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This page last modified August 5, 1999.