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JUSTME ..

~ ~ THE ~ ~


** HELLO **

My name is


Before I say anything more..
I want to thank a very Dear Man
who has given me his patience..
kindness and also his time..
for helping me make
this page.


for putting up with me
and being there for me..
Your kindness means alot to me..

A Dear Friend paint these av's for me

they will always mean
something special to me..
thank-you my friend [ hUgz]

I came on-line around
April of 1997..
before that I never even knew
how to turn on a computer..
But thanks to alot of
nice people I have met
on-line I have learned
alot about the computer..

I am the Mother
of 3 very beautiful daughters..
and the proud Grandmother
of now 8 Grandaughters and 3 Grandsons.
also a GREAT Granddaughter..

I have lived in
British Columbia, Canada
most of my life..
and in between traveling into
the States in my later years
and over Seas once.
I can really say
I love my Province very much
and my Country..

I wasn't born in B.C.
but my father got posted here
in 1952
( while serving in the Army )
I was born in the
Province of New Brunswick
In a little town called
The same town my Father was born.

I enjoy meeting new people
and seeing new places.
I love traveling
and I love the Outdoors
and all that goes with it.
Such as camping..
hiking.. fishing.. swimming..
Also looking at the stars
on a clear warm night very much..

I also love walking
on a Ocean beach..
watching a Sunset..
and listening to the waves
ripple on the shorelines..

I love quiet times..
with someone special..
holding a hand and closiness

One thing I find real hard
since I have come on-line is..
When I make new friends,
and we become close..
very close..
then all of a sudden
they just disappear and you never
hear from them anymore.
Could it be they changed their names..
or they just got tired of the
Chatroom's and just stay away from them.
You just have no idea why
they walked out of your life..
[ without a good-bye or see ya ]
or if they are ok
and still living.

Too me it can hurt alot..
Because some of these people
I have gotten real close to.
So when I don't hear from them
or talk to them anymore..
Ya it does hurt..
and along with the wonder..
Are they Dead... Alive.. What!!!!

Some of my friends tell me
that I am just too sensitive..
All I can say is..
" I am just.. ME.."
And Yes.. I do care about
my friends and wonder what
has happened to them when
I don't hear from them anymore..

I have never met as many
people or made as many friends
as I have since I bought my Computer.
I know this may sound
strange to some of you
but again not so strange
to some people who
( like Me )
spend alot of time on there

I am finding being on line
can sure be a whole different World..
and that some People on-line
seem to act and some even talk quite
differently than I think they would
in the real World..

I often wonder why that is..

I wonder too..
why some can be so cruel..
and hurting..

When you give your heart
to one Special Person here in VP..
they walk all over you..
and lie to you..
But I guess to some..
this is just a big game..
and they figure it is all a fantasy.
It is like some feel
we don't have a Heart or Feelings..
like we can't get hurt here on-line.
But we are all Human Beings
and whether it is in real life
or the computer.
We still have Feelings.
We laugh.. We cry and We still hurt..
and Our Hearts do get broken.

It would be a very nice World
if some people in Vp or
( On-line )
would understand that..
We are all
sitting here behind these screens..
Some just wanting friends to talk to..
for they are Lonely..
Some searching for more than friends..

Your a Somebody..
and so are the others out
there in Internet land..

( Smile ) and (Warm hUgzz )

to all My Wonderful Friends
in VP and On-Line..
who have opened their
hearts to me..
( luv ya all very much.. )
Thanks for bringing the
into my life each day.

****** ~ ****** ~ ****** ~ ******

~~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~~


I want to deciate
this page to
That have always been
there for me..
( Smile )
since their Birth..
They are my
Now Beautiful Young Ladies.

Two of them are
Mother's of there own children..

There Names well...
One I will call
* LOVE *
For I never knew what
the word
* Love *
meant til
" She"
came into
My World.

The second
I will call
* Happiness *
" She "
brought Me many
Happy Days
that I never ever had
for a very long time..

Third I will call
* Joy *
" She "
was a
Joy to have..
to hold and to Love..

All Three of these
~ Beautiful Young Ladies ~
have always been there
for me even when I was
down and out..

They would always reach
out and pull me back
into the
They have never ever
turned their backs on me
They have given me all their
** Love.. Happiness.. and Joy.. **

They are My Life..
and I will always be
here for them
as long as God permits
me to be..
and even after I am gone..
I will watch over them
from Above...

So Very Much.

Love Mom.. xoxo

This page was made by:

A Gift from a
Sweet Friend


My Links

Life.. Mine

My Daughters


In Rememberences.. Alan

Message of Truth

Always Dream


Vancouver Island


SomeWhere Out There

Love Hurts

Let's Make Love

More of My Pages



John's Momma

Good Luck


This room was made
in early 1998
with the help of a
wonderful friend..
and Greatly Missed To..

re-did this room
June 24, 2001

re-did this room
Aug 11th, 2002

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

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