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search for closure

MAY 14, 2006
I've added a link to my page on myspace if you are interested in more current info

DEC 1, 2003
Changed a little on the freinds page and added the element tree, it's for a game I've been thinking of, check it out.

NOV 20, 2003
Well it's been a few months since I've updates this, but I changed some of my favorites, that's all for now.

JUN 10, 2003
New Radiohead today! Anyways, updated pictures, removed the art of wrestling, as the gifs were from a different page that got deleted, also reworked the home page a bit, don't forget to search for closure....and for jesus.....he's cool!

JUN 9, 2003
ONE DAY! WHAT THE?? anyways, I updated the band list to reflect more of my current musical interests, added a few important names, not too many though as music nowadays is pure trash! as you can see I may be updating a lot, but it's sure not a lot of updating, haha

JUN 8, 2003
Only took two days, wow. Updated the warm place today to reflect the sites I visit most often nowadays, I left beseen's link on there just for the good ol days i suppose, gooood ol beseen. I also changed my e-mail address on the front page to the correct address, I haven't used in years because it got bombarded by maybe 100 junk mails per day, FUCK!
JUN 6, 2003
I'm starting a new section on this site, so I can write updates from time to time just to let anyone here know what's been going on, i'm not sure how long writing on this will last, but hey it's worth a try. Well I've been slowly updating my page lately, a few minor changes here and there, it's been so long since i've worked with html i fogot almost everything, haha. well here's to hoping this gets added to sometime before 2007, haha.