

Steve Hewitt - for being who he is and allowing his fans to appreciate his talents and personality on and offstage.

Placebo - for being such a terrific band, deciding to tour and allowing me to meet Steve.

My family and especially Anje, for taking my pictures with Steve!
Sharon (for the site name), Melissa (for the opening quote sent in a voicemail), Tovi (for taking the rush-hour train to tell me Steve thought I was "wicked"), Amy Polshaw (for some of the images), Autumn (for the Steve art and some VG stills), and to the rest of you who visited this page and lent your support!

Thanks to all the Steve/Placebo websites which I got information and images from.

This site was made using: AOL, Angelfire, Adobe Photoshop Deluxe, Internet Explorer, Netscape, and Photo Editor. Providers: Guestworld (for the guestbook), The Counter (for the counter). All HTML on this site was written by me. If any links do not work or any other mistakes appear, please let me know.

Just Hewitt © 1999 by Lucky Day.