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House of Insults, created on MSN chat server, has survived longer then I care to say. I stumbled upon it one late night, I guess, about 2 yrs ago.. Since then I always seem to go back, no matter HOW I try breaking free. I have seen Many people come and go, but the friendships created in there, Have always seemed to last out of the room. I have met a few people out of the room, when I was in Cali, and they are always some great people..

AlWaYs UdEr DeStRuCtIoN, err I mean Construction, as I am still 
trying to get pics up.. until its complete, if you have already 
visited, RELOAD da dang page, new pics might have been added, 
since da last visit.. Tanky.

This was originally just a page based on my home page, dedicated 
to a few freinds, it has since grew out of my page, and onto its own.. 

Now for the pics 
The new Chatnet Freaks
Links to other House pages
Bluezie Woozie 2/13/99 A MUST READ!!!! 

Be sure to check the New lamers that hang out on the Chatnet server #house-of-insults.. Yes they have Expanded..Louisville.KY.US.ChatNet.Org (6667) Or the old regs on the msn server.. (6667)