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This site has been updated on February 18, 2002. 16:00 pm GMT.
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Want to post comments, suggestions or questions? Looking for a 2 vs. 2 team mate? Want to find out if you can drive, fly,
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22, 23 and 24 February 2002.
Euro Meet & Greet, Driebergen, The Netherlands 2002.

We have planned a WWII (flight)sim enthusiast Euro-Con in The Netherlands.

The Euro-CON 2002 is organised in the same location as last year - Driebergen -, a town in central Holland, nicely situated in the woods.

Don't miss it!
The Euro-CON Ops. room is buzzing with activity. We think we can serve you one of the best times you ever had. If you have been there last year, you might remember what a great time was had by all. Let me refresh your "FPO clouded" brains for a bit. And visit Grendel's Photo Album. Or check out these pics: Europilots, drinking, and go-kart pics: Pic. 1. The day after the night before and a group picture: Pic. 2.

If you planned to come, subscribe to the Euro-CON 2002 email newsletters. By doing so you will be updated on all the relevant Euro-CON news by email.

----------------------------------------- How to register
You can only register by transferring the CON-fee to a special bank-account. When we receive your registration-fee you will be notified by email. This is how to pay your CON-fee: deadline: january 24

Please transfer the 170 Euro to:
bank: Fortis Bank Netherlands, Business Centre Haarlem-NL
to: United Trust Corp. (Netherlands) B.V.
Account Eurocon 2002, Alkmaar, Netherlands.
a/c Bankaccount number:
The swiftaddress of the bank is : Geba NL2R

Description: Eurocon 2002 and your callsign excactly as you want it on the euro-con incentive (max 10 characters/letters, case-sensitive)

Example: Eurocon 2002 lapwin

- We created a special bank account for the Euro-CON.
- We would like to make clear that not one Euro-, or Dollarcent will remain in our pockets. If there's money left, we all buy you guys a beer. We are not organising this to get wealthy, I can assure you that! :-)
Win and Fly it for real!

Click here for high res Euro-CON wallpaper of the "Damn Yankee!" for your desktop

dated january 31 - 2002

1. Apex
2. Blitz
3. Ceesie
4. =Fjod=
5. Flower
6. Iceqbe
7. Jaeger
8. -Jag--
9. -Karl-
10. Kossu-
11. -Krod-
12. Lapwin
13. -Lem--
14. Lynx
15. --Merk
16. Munin-
17. --My--
18. Ninja-
19. Ofritz
20. =Pjk==
21. Postme
22. Raffel
23. Randon
24. -Rudu-
25. -Rum--
26. Sascha
27. =Save=
28. Scrmbl
29. Speijk
30. Stach-
31. Stivie
32. Sweepy
33. Uedel-
34. Vipser
35. Vultur
36. Wastl-
37. Woo---
38. Zepher

Expected: (Payments otw)
39. Man-hi
40. Alaska
41. -Snag-
42. Cowboy

Special guest star:
43. =geff=

Be there!

Important information for those of you who bring their own PC's.

If you bring your PC and monitor, be there Friday evening to make sure the network dweebs can connect it all, and you'll be ready to get airborne in no time. The meeting room will be available from 18.00 pm CET. If you come a bit earlier, that's no problem. We'll drink a nice cup of tea in the lounge ;-)

If you want to rent a monitor
If you are bringing your PC, but want to rent a monitor, the best thing to do is to contact Flower and he can arrange a 17 inch monitor for you, And will inform you about the additional costs.

OK, I bring my computer, so how should I configure it so I can fly?
Well Speijk invested quite some time in figuring it all out, and as we all know from last year, he did a hell of a job! To make sure your PC/Mac is ready to fly, go read this page;
Click here for the special page, where you can read all there is to know about the Network, and how your PC/Mac should be configured to make sure you can fly online, but where afraid to ask.

Costs for this 3 day event
Just like last year the Euro-CON fee for this 3-day event will be 170 Euro a person.
This registration-fee includes your bedroom, a special surprise incentive with the Euro-CON logo and your personal handle on it, 2x breakfast, 2x lunch, 1 dinner, snacks, the CONventionroom with ISDN-connections, the Go-KART event including the bustrip to the kartracing centre, and the costs for using the ISDN telephone lines. The money does not include drinks and what it will cost you to travel to the location.
Click here for an online Euro converter

ISDN network router has been made possible with outstanding help from:

Triple P dataproducts

Triple P Dataproducts website

Location of Driebergen in the ETO

Click here for detailed map and routediscriptions by İMapquest

Pictures of the accommodation for the Euro Meet & Greet for WW2 flightsim enthusiasts! Address: Congrescenter De Bergse Bossen, Traay 299, 3971 GM Driebergen. Telephone 0343-514641.

The Bergse Bossen, Driebergen - NL

Listen up!

Euro Meet & Greet, Netherlands 2002. Euro-CON schedule

Day 1, Friday February 22
16.00 - 21.00 pm. Welcome all! We'll drink a few pints in the bar, untill the con-room is available for installing the network and hook up your computers. Con room will be open around 19:00 pm. Your bedroom is available at bit earlier.
21:00 pm till...? Two versus Two Duel. Sign up as a 2 men-team. This 2 v. 2 duels will be played in WarBirds 2.77

Sign up for the 2 vs 2 duel on our forum. Click here and maybe you win a real P51-D Mustang flight!


Pilot of the Year
During the evening the guests can vote for the Pilot of the Year. We have selected 5 nominees for this honourable title. In random order they are: Iceqbe. =Save=. Lem--. -Krod- and Apex++. If you would like to know WHY these fine gentlemen have been nominated,

go read the topic on our forum now!
Late fridaynight we will announce the new Pilot of the Year. If the weather is good, he will have the oppertunity to experience the flight of his lifetime. DoA Trainer =geff= has offered the brandnew pilot of the year a flight in his aircraft. Fun is garunteed. Go read the same forum-topic to learn more about this Grand Prize!

Day 2, Saturday February 23
8.00 - 10.00 am Breakfast. If the weather is good, the 2v2 duel winners and the Pilot of the Year will be transported with everyone who would like to see them getting airborne to Lelystad Airport by car. You should be ready at 10.00am when we drive in cars to the airstrip. If you prefer to stay in the hotel you can enjoy your breakfast quietly.
11.00-12.00 am We all view the duel-winners in their Mustang flights and the Pilot of the Year in the aerobatic sortie. After all winners returned safely to the earth, we drive back to the hotel to grab a quick lunch.
12:30 pm Lunch
13:30 pm All embark in busses which will take you to the "Coronell Karting Centre"
14:30 pm The DWEEB-500! We split in two groups.
Each group races a heat, just like last year. After these two heats the group again gets devided into two. The loosers, and the winners. The loosers will race a Loosers-Final. The best jockeys will race the Winners Final. The Best of the Best will win a special Euro-CON DWEEB-500 Trophee. Last year winner was Zepher of the 1st.ROF (oh man, I was proud :-). Randon won the trophee for the most aggressive driver!
The bus-ferry is included in your con-fee. You have to pay for your own drinks.
17.30 pm Back at HQ. Its dinner and boosing time.
19.00 pm During dinner we will watch a video-taped impression of the 2 vs. 2 duel winners maiden-flights :-) and we'll announce the Euro-pilot of the year. Last year =pjk== and -bmbm- won the title. Who will be awarded with this title of honour this year?
20.00 pm Online gaming. We will show you the latest developments in WarBirds III, Target Rabaul and WWIIOL. And if there are still a few sober men outthere we'll team up for an Evil Con Event in one of the WarBirds arena's and wreck havoc. And we might have a DVD copy of "dark blue world" for you to watch in the lobby.
01:00 am "Freie Jagd"

Day 3: Sunday February 24
8.00 - 10.00 am Breakfast; continental and English, loads of coffee.
10.30 am Online/offline playing untill lunch.
13.00 pm lunch.
14.00 - 16.00 Saionara... goodbye... and RTB all! See ya next year :-)

Euro Meet & Greet, Netherlands 2002 committee:
- lapwin - (lapw++) head staff
- ceesie - legal and finance advisor
- speijk - PC/Mac network guruh
- flower - location manager, rental monitors
- zepher - staff
- sweepy - staff


Click here for the Coronel Kartracing website

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 | Got a suggestion, question or comments? Contact us now! |  Subscribe to the Euro-CON 2002 email Newsletter. | 
Euro Meet & Greet, Driebergen 2002 is organised by: lapwin, speijk, flower, ceesie, zepher and
all members of 1st.ROF Netherlands No322 RAF
Prices, schedule and con-details are subject to change.