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Episodes 1-26 (Arrival - Battle's End)

Hi! I’m VegittA! I’m gonna be your guide for the varios Sagas and Battles in the Dragon Ball Z series! No running away now, its far too late for that. Sit back and I’m gonna tell you about the Saiyan Conflict! If you leave I’ll call you names!


A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away.....Ack! Wrong story! Lemme try again.

The Saiyan Conflict’s main purpose is to introduce some of the major players in the dragon ball unviverse, namely Goku (our hero! yay), Vegeta(the short fiesty mean guy). They are the most important characters in my opinion. There are however many other major players in the DBZ unniverse. We meet Piccolo(lean green fightin machine), Gohan(cute son of Goku), Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, Chia0-Tsu, Master Roshi, Bulma(GAG GAG!), Chi Chi(Gageedy GAG GAG!), Turtle(he’s da coolest!) and I think thats it for immportant guys. There are others but you’ll see em when I get to em. Well ok so turtle isnt exactly important, but he tries! *s*

On with the show. Everyone is hanging out at Roshi’s minding their own business, when out of nowhere this big lug with a mop of ahead shows up and crashes the party.

Enter Raditz(Umm, do I smell RADISHES?).

He claims to be Goku’s older brother and of a race he calls Saiyans, a powerful warrior people who take over planets, then just like an evil older sibling he beats the crap outta Goku and kidnaps Gohan! Now you get introduced to Gohans crying ability. You thought babies IRL were annoying, sheesh someone shut that kid up! Anyway Goku and Piccolo grudgingly team up and head off to rescue Gohan. After a fierce battle, Gohan is saved. Unfortunately Goku had to sacrifice himself *sheds a tear* to kill his older brother Raditz. I sense some story line developers watched too many soap operas in thier youth :). Well Goku and Raditz are dead. Killed. Oh sorry! My mistake. There were “sent to another dimension”. Dont worry kiddies, they didnt die, really! *lol*

Everyone back on earth is terribly upset, but they have no time to grieve. For as Raditz died, he asked why Goku was not afraid of death. Piccolo let it slip that they'd just wish goku back with the Dragon Balls. Eat that Radish head. Unfortunately he told the Z warriors that his two partners heard the whole thing and were comming for the Dragon Balls and to kick some serious butt. In one year. Better start preparing guys! *lol*

This next part is gonna go really quick cause this is gettin long. Piccolo “adopts” Gohan and trains him, which turns out to be very difficult (watch the show, you’ll see what I mean *S*) On earth, the three years go by as training for the rest of the earth warriors, who get a taste of what its like to fight saiyans in Kame’s(earth’s guardian) combat room. All of the z warriors couldnt defeat 3 of the saiyans. Kame lets them in on a little secret. All three of the saiyans in the combat room arent even close to the power levels of just one of the two comming to earth!! While all this is going on, Goku has been sent to find King Kai, a master trainer, by going along snake way. Snake way is a huge windy road in the “other dimension” He falls off it once and lands in HFIL, Home For Infinite Losers. It was HELL in the original Japanese release, but that's far to tasty for censors to leave alone :) He eventually finds King Kai’s place, which is a small planet with 8 times earth’s gravity.

More to come, patience young grasshopper!