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Episodes 27-53 (Battle's End - Goku... Super Saiyan?)

Once apon a time, ack now I'm tellin stories like Vegitta ~giggle~ Ahem....

The Namek Saga begins after Vegitta leaves Earth. Why go all the way over to a new planet you ask? Well tiz because Piccolo was killed!
VegittA's Notes! >:)
In case your wondering WHY they need to go to namek, it's cause the Earth Drangon Balls died.....went to another diemension *shakes fist at Funimation* with piccolo, so they need the namek ones :)
Got it? Good!

In case ya didn't know I'll clue ya in, Piccolo and Kame, the guardian of the Earth are actually one creature all-together, and when one dies, so does the other. So without Kame on the planet there aren't any Dragonballs! Which would kinda make the story's title a little stupid don't cha think? I mean Dragonball Z without Dragonballs is, how do you say....lame? ~l~ Yes well umm....anyway.... So Earth is Dragonballess, and the Z fighters who died fighting those wicked Siayans need to be wished back to earth, so Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan head out to the planet where Kame and Piccolo came from, planet Namek.

Goku doesn't go because he's been beaten up so badly by Vegitta. YEAH!!. So he stays on Earth with Masrt Roshi and the others. He slowly reaches reacovery while the others are in space.

While in space Bulma, Krillin and Gohan encounter a spaceship filled with people who's planet was overtaken by some evil ruthless tyrant known by the name of Frieza. After meeting them the trio comes to a planet, it's Namek!! Or iz it???

After finding all the dragonballs the trio realizes that they aren't really on Namek at all! That they were tricked by two creatures stuck on that planet pretending to be natives. The whole thing was an illusion and a waste of time! The trio escapes the false Namek and is on their way to the real one.

Ahhh...Finally! They have reached Namek. As the walk out of their spaceship and take a look at their surroundings, and the bright sky above they stop to notice.....A Siayan Spaceship!! Now at this point both Frieza and Vegitta arrive on planet Namek seprately, with the same goal, get the Dragonballs!

Now here is where ya see Frieza, a pointed little freak of a creature with a really odd voice and a undetermanible sex ~l~ 'It' sits in a little hover chair like thing and lets it's goons do all the dirty work, while it threatens. They say is's a male....but I'm not buyin it!

In a race to collect all 7 balls Krillin and Gohan save Dende, a small child Namek, from being killed...erm....uh...'sent to another diemension.

Dende leads the Krillin to Guru, the 'Father of all the Nameks'. He gives Krillin new powers, and a Dragonball.

Skipping ahead past all the looooooooong unimportant storyline that the writers use to make the series longer, we get to the part where Vegitta steals Frieza's 6 Dragonballs. Vegitta realises that Gohan has the last one so he heads out that way, when he gets there he is greeted by Zarbon, who kicked his ass earlier, so Vegitta being that badass that we all know and love, goes to settle a score with the blue haired fancy-boy. And ends up killing...ack, sending him to another dimension.

Skip skip skip....
Frieza is super pissy that Vegitta has more balls that he does ~snicker~ I mean that Vegitta stole his balls....Well you get the idea ~L~. Frieza asks for the GINYU FORCE to come n' kick some but.....and offer dances of Joy and other such things ~L~

The Ginyu Force arrives, Vegitta saves Krillin and Gohan's life by turning the short green Ginyu Force member into Hot and Sour Soup ~L~. Although of course, he did it for 'his own reasons'.

The rest of the Ginyu Force is unbeatable to Krillin, Vegitta and Gohan, so they get tossed around a lot. Gohan is lifeless after using up all his energy. Vegitta is thrashed and Krillin, well how long did ya think he'd last? ~L~ When their seems like no hope, a spaceship crashes from the sky. Enter Goku!

I consider the episodes from this poiunt on as the actual Frieza on....