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The Frieza Saga

Starting from - Goku... Super Saiyan?

Ok now where did I least leave off? Humm, well once Goku arrives on Namek he pretty much takes out every member of the Ginyu Force, the Capin' gives 'em a bit of a fight, n' even switches bodies with Goku, which makes Goku really weak. When Goku switches back into his orginal body, he's pretty run down, so Vegitta sticks him in a rehab bubble type thingie. Whilst Goku simmers inside the bubble, Vegitta, Gohan, and Krillin kinda relax outside. Vegitta (exhausted from fighting earlier) takes a rather loooong nap, n' whilst he sleeps, Gohan and Krillin manage to gather all the dragonballs, awake the dragon, and have Dende make some wishes. Well Vegi eventually wakes up, n' you haven't seen him PISSED until you've seen him now.... He arives on the scene juuuust before the third wish is made, BUT! before Dende can make the last wish, the Elder Namek kicks the bucket, and the Dragonballs become useless rocks, worthless to wishes.
This event leaves Gohan and Krillin to face a really, really pissed off Vegitta. But just before Vegi can go nutzo on them, Frieza shows up. Rather than die fighting the earthlings, he joins forces with them in order to stay alive whilst battling horn head...erm Frieza.

What were the wishes you ask? Welllll..... One was to Bring Piccolo to that planet, the other was to bring him back to the planet alive, the third (which was never made) was orginally to bring him back to their paticular location....but since they didn't make that one, Piccy showed up in the middle of no-where. Which brings me back to where Vegitta, Krillin and Gohan are fighting Horn head. See Piccolo is in warp speed tryin ta get to the battle, along the way he sees a dying Namek, and stops. This Namek is Nail....consider him and ole Piccy as twins brothers, well Piccy is the evil Twin with the bad 'tude, n' Nail is a strong fighter, but he's a lot nicer....anyway the two of them merge as one, as Nameks do.... This causes Piccolo to become very very powerful, and for a while you get the idea that he just might be able to defeat Frieza. When he arrives on the battlefield he holds his own for awhile, but as it turns out, Freiza is a battle best left to Goku. Although good luck getting Vegitta to think that way, Vegi thinks he's a Super Siayan already (Didn't nobody tell 'em bout the blonde hair bit? Hummm..guess not...)

Our beloved Vegitta goes and takes on Frieza....wasn't a good idea, he ends up getting beaten, and I do mean beaten...big time. Freiza treats Vegi like a 12th grader treats a 8th grader....Bad news! Just as Vegi is thrashed n' Frieza is about ta finish him off, TA DA!! Goku arrives!

But....that doesn't really save Vegi, he's dyin about this time. Although he hangs on long enough to tell Frieza he's no match for Goku, and tell Goku how Freiza made him what he is (He even Cries!). This pissed Freiza off, n' he finally finishes off Vegitta.
Now that pisses off Goku, which creates their battle to Start.

Ok movin on a bit, Goku and Frieza fight through a lot of episodes....and talk...a lot! So moving a head, Goku thrashes Frieza, and then Frieza dissapears, so Goku rejoins Krillin, Piccy, and Gohan in joy....(It's over right?)
Not Quite...
An enraged Frieza suddenly appears, and in one hot minute turns Krillin to toast and shoots a beam through Piccy! *pouts* (That was a very Tramatic scene for me dammit!) Ahem...well anyway... Gohan is left, and a freaked out Goku demands he leave with the seriously injured Piccolo...NOW!

After a lot of whining Gohan starts to leave. Goku remians, slowly becoming more and more enraged, more disgusted with Frieza, and then....

Goku goes Super Siayan! Gold arua around 'em, n' blonde hair ta'boot. Now he fights again with Frieza, and Frieza is no match.

On earth the Dragonballs are gathered, and a wish is made, to take everyone who died at the hands of Frieza and/or his henchmen to earth, alive. This includes Krillin, and VEGITTA! So Vegitta goes to join the battle, then is whipped away and thrown onto earth. Also, the Elder Namek is brought to earth alive, and with him come his 7 Dragonballs. Back to Goku....

Goku and Frieza continue to fight, they are the only two on the planet, everyone else has left. Frieza turns the entire planet into a bomb, redy to explode in 15 25...(The episodes drag on...) In the final battle, a cocky Freiza shoots a blade much like Krillins, at Goku, but through Goku's manuvering, Frieza cuts himself in half! NOW the battle is finished, and Goku has to leave the planet NOW or he's gonna be toast!

Back on earth everyone has a happy reunion. Everyone is alive and there, except for Goku. Whom they can't wish back, why? Because Goku doesn't want to go back to earth...."yet". Vegitta says that he's probably getting some awesome training somewhere, so he has no reason to come back. This kinda ticks Vegi off, that and the fact that mear earlings are all that surround him, so he gets in a spaceship n' blasts off... where you ask? Hell if I know =P Probably went ta see his Girlfriend, Delira Deshantonie....*snicker* Um...nevermind *gryn*

So that's where the animated U.S series leaves you. Everyone safe and well on Earth, Vegitta being Vegitta, and Goku training to become even stronger. As with any series of this type, it leave you with a far from concluded ending.