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Quarter 1

1st Quarter Areas of Concentration:

Week of September 8th-Chapter 1-Beginnings to 1505

Week of September 15th-Chapter 2-1492-1690- The American Colonies Emerge

Week of September 22nd-Chapter 3-1651-1765- The Colonies Come of Age

Week of September 29th-Chapter 4- 1765-1783- Independence & Formation of United States

Week of October 6th-Chapter 5-1783-1816- Launching A New Nation

Week of October 13th-Chapter 6- 1817-1840- Nationalism & Sectionalism

Week of October 20th- Chapter 7- 1840-1861- Union in Peril

Week of October 27th- Chapter 8- 1861-1865- The Civil War

October 30- Marks Close; End of 1st Quarter

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