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Class News

Reading: Last week we read a realistic fiction story entitled, Round up at Rio Ranch. This week we have read a non-fiction story entitled Welcome to a New Museum. Ask your child to tell you about each story and how they are the same or different.

Working with Words: We are so proud of how many students took the challenge and completed the Above and Beyond spelling home fun!  Also, thank you for continuing to remind your child to return their spelling pretests on Fridays.

  Writing: The students are continuing to apply their writing skills to write complete sentences. They are also learning how to write a friendly letter. We plan to use this skill throughout the year.

 Social Studies/Science: The students have done an exceptional job on their Curious George Projects. We have enjoyed seeing their amazing creativity and group cooperation. Have your child to tell you about their group’s project.  Have them explain how they placed the animals together and why.                                                        

Second Grade Authors