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Keepers of the Woods

Alone in the darkest night,
frightened as never in your life
see those scary eyes,
getting closer to where you are

listening to it crawl, feeling it's breath
in just one moment you are at it's feet
crying with shivers running down your spine
run away from the sharpness of its teeth

Try, now just try to get out alive
and erase the horrors of your mind


Kings of the forest at night,
howl at the white moon among the trees
Raising the fear as the sun hides,
escape from the guardians of Darkness

Keep out the Old Sacred Woods,
or you will be facing at death
Relentless guardians of night,
awake with the shadows of fading light

This place is damned with the curse of the Wolf
bathed in the rays of the cold moon
Valley of shadows, graveyard of Heaven
enter and you'll meet your end

Don't you dare to sleep in here
Your worst nightmare is coming to life
Run as fast as you can, just look for freedom
and scape from the claws

Try, now just try to get out alive
and erase the horrors of your mind


Hide! something is coming for you,
the guardian of forest it's aiming at you
Scream! your final fate you will meet
scream for your life, but no one can hear

Epitome of Corruption

Misleaded sheeps walking nowhere
obeying hipocrite and selfish moralists
Not asking why, accepting unconditonaly
kneeling down before an ancient ideology


Lead yourself
Free yourself
Lift your face
Be no more a blinded sheep

Intimidation with eternal punishment
they've kept their power by manipulating faith
Confusing minds, building a living hell
All that threatens them has become a sin


Lead yourself
Free yourself
Lift your face
Be no more a blinded sheep

Blinding with ashes the ignorant ones
Fooling with miracles the sceptic ones
Rapeing in silence the innocent ones
Hidding from the light the truth of the past (x2)


The remaining stones of a fallen empire
turning to dust as the truth pulverizes them
The pass from Inquisition to an Institution
Could the gardener be still planting seeds?


Lead yourself
Free yourself
Lift your face
Be no more a blinded sheep

Restless Soul


End your pain, change the page
make him suffer death in life
he took away your innocence
now it´s your chance to take his life

I lay alone hearing your angry scream
I just want you to leave and forget
but a soft voice inside my head
remembers me the beginning of all my pain
the root of my fears and my sins
its reaching deeper and its hurting me


As the sun rised, I swore myself that someday he will pay


End your pain change the page
make him suffer death in life
he took away your innocence
now it´s your chance to take his life

And now you're comming to me
speaking to me with sour words
my heart and soul are forever gone
i wrote a final poem for you with my blood
you´ll never find the sweet peace again
until you set all my memories free


Revenge it's my way of forgiveness, and I promise I will forgive him



End your pain, change the page
make him suffer death in life
he took away your innocence
now it's your chance to take his life


At last my soul embraces rest, for that his blood is my rebirth



"....for I the Lord your God am a jealous God,
visiting the iniquity of the fathers
upon the children to the third and the fourth generation
of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love
to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments."

Who is God? Monotonous question inquired
They let him stir their wheels of suffering
They neglect their hopes to emptiness
Of a void that will never aid them

they let him take care of all their fears and dreams
Can he really help them?
I doubt it seriously, no one could ever know.
Just have to learn to believe in yourself

You think that I'm an angel
You could slip through my thoughts
I can stab you from behind
And you’d still be adoring me

You might be thinking of your strength
You could not expand your foolish horizon
My army of angels keep you all in fear
they keep you all away from truth


You must believe in my ten commandments
You could never hear, never feel
Is this the idiotic role you want to< play???
You're all pathetic puppets

I am the Master and you are the slaves
Your weakness will never let you to fight
From your mother’s womb you serve me
You live in fear, you live in hope

Fear Hope
Fear Hope
Fear Hope

Bizarre Posession (In front of the Mirror)

Let me hold you in my arms
come with me, you'll never die
I'm the keeper of your mind,
your darkest secrets feed my life.

Let your sins become alive,
and free yourself from all the past.
The gate is opened, enter now
and dance with me an eternal dance.

The mirror speaks to me
am I becoming out of my mind?
It's playing with my thoughts
I see a face, but it isn't mine


No!- let me alone with my dreams
the sound of your voice, it comes out from me
Why? am I fighting with you?
a mirror can't reflect the sins of my past

Stop! you can't never control me
don't try to fool me, don't try to force me
This fight against me, its an endless nightmare
Dark scenes of my past, comes always to haunt me


I'm the voice from the mirror, the face in your nightmares
I'm not a demon, not an illusion,
just your conscience coming for what must be paid
You've profaned the temple of your mind,

pretended to be stronger than yourself, but
the sins and regrets you have deep inside
have come to haunt you, don't be afraid
soon you'll be sleeping in the loving arms of madness



No!- let me alone with my dreams
the sound of your voice, it comes out from me
Why? am I fighting with you?
a mirror can't reflect the sins of my past

Stop! you can't never control me
don't try to fool me, don't try to force me
This fight against me, its an endless nightmare
Dark scenes of my past, comes always to haunt me