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Paula Killaz Official

Top Banana Members (Currently)

HELLO ONE AND ALL PAULA KILLAZ MEMBERS ...and the occasional pie groupies....(you dawg you)....WELCOME TO THE GRAND OPENING OF OUR UNOFFICIAL OFFICIAL WEBSITE!! *crowd goes woot* ooh no....not the woot-ing again...*takes out gun and shoots audience* *blows gun pipe* ok...since thats taken care of allow me to start things off by saying I LIKE PIE!! *one half dead goes woot* *takes out gun and shoots him in head*....ok...... OUR GROUP HAS OFFICIALLY SMASHED OTHER GROUPS FACES WITH THE STAGGERING NUMBER OF MEMBERS INCREASING EVERYDAY WE'VE DECIDED TO FINALLY....after loads os request too....have AUDITIONS FOR TOP BANANA *YAY* it won't be starting yet but we'll be giving you a heads up soon ok? ok....awrite...signing off SPREAD THE HATE amateur1314