...My Mom Isn't In Good Charlotte...

Last updated: 05/15/03
*GC Experiencesa got fucked up...*
*New "other band experience"*
*New GC Experience*
*Picturetrail deleted all our albums, so if you want the pics, you'll have to e-mail one of us SORRY!*
*Heather and Amy rocked the Portland show 4-25. Email Amy for pics*
*Sign the guestbook*

-Isn't it funny that the more popular GC gets, the more TV they are on, the more hatemail we get? Just a thought.-

We are not the teeny bopper type fans...so if you're one of those people who are going to e-mail us and give us shit about how we "disrespect them," then you can fuck off. We made a webpage for them, obviously because we like them...we don't need to worship them, too. So if you're going to be a dickhead about all this, you can e-mail me with any problems. amazinghezza@aol.com -Heather

On a side note: I want to find someone who can make banners and would like to help us out and make a few. Yeah. Email Amy if you can

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Some People Should Be Killed.

people think my mom is in good charlotte.

© Amy and Heather . GC fans since '98.