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S a t u r d a y P r a i s e
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This website is all about a group of several guys and gals in Olympia dedicating themselves to a personal worship project with a mission to express themselves through worship and follow GOD's lead.

Our names are Joey, Eli, Jeffe, Taylor, Mariah, Jessica, and Tori. These people are agreeing to worship the Lord with eachother, help each other with their instruments and songwriting skills, as well as encourage, disciple, and minister to each other's spirtual needs.

If you're interested in starting a worship band or group, or have any comments for us, e-mail us, yo.

UPDATE 08/13/04
Hey guys! There's a new bio (Eli's) and Jeff updated his. We will also have our vision statement posted by the end of the day in its own special spiffy page.