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Welcome To Our Site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi and welcome to the official Warning 86 website. Your probably wondering what the heck warning 86 is. Well Warning 86 is a puhemo band. You're probably asking, what the (beep) is puhemo? Well it's a combo of Punk, Emo, Screamo, and Hardcore. We are also a parody band, we hardly to original matieral, unless it's a skit. Get ready for the revolution!

1-6-05: Well first of all Happy New Year. Now that the first part is out of the way, here's the deal: First of all, James Conti got mono and Kyle E. got sick and lost his voice on the way up, thus making it pretty obvious that recording didn't happen. Then the show got cancelled because of a variety of other reasons. I, Kyle, had an excellent trip up though. Now that it's all set and done, we've pushed back the release date of "Asian Caucasian Explosion" til Summer 2005. I thank everyone that was excited about the cd and showed interest in coming out to the show, but you'll have to just wait a bit longer for the new album. Thanks - James Conti, Eric Dorman, Kyle Enz.

3-10-05: Album production is back on track. We will be recording the new album, now titled "The Story of Zaq: The Man...The Myth...The Legend", this summer for a release sometime summer 2005. It's a concept album. You Will love it. Also we just posted the first song off the new album, "The Zack Song Part II: Learn To Take A Bath". You can hear it over at purevolume. We will also be having a purevolume site soon, so be looking for that. Good things are definitly coming soon. Also, we are working on planning a reunion show sometime this summer. - James C., Eric D. & Kyle E.

3-11-05: The album cover has been posted. Check below for the link to it. And laugh!

4-30-05: A bit of an update. Eric and I are trying to get a show, so if you anyone knows a place that would be willing to host the warning 86 reunion show, in canton or plymouth MI, please, let one of us know, by emailing That said, the new album will be released on June 14th, 2005. We are recorded side by side with "The Moshpit Prerogative", so both albums will be available on the same day. Check out eric's band, "After The Fall" at and check out Kyle's band at There isn't much else to report right now, but that recording will start taking place in June.

5-9-05: The power's that be have decided that Warning 86 has arisen to fight a new demon, and that demon is Emo. Hence, the new album has shifted into a whole different direction. The new album, now entitled "Emo Kids Need to Suck It Up And Move On", will still have songs about zack, but every song will make fun of emo some how. Expect to see the new album sometime in June.

Crap that you should be interested in!

Our Lyrics
Odd Photos
Information about us
Links to other underground bands we know
Listen to MP3'S!!!! (think of many children, laughing)
Myspace official site