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Ok this is the main reason that we felt the need to upbring our site. This is what we feel truly represents our group. Our musical exhibitions into a fairy wonderland. These songs provide us with solace, comfort and a time to breathe and exhale inbetween life. They let us express what we are feeling and we can later look back at them and examine that period in our life. I hope these songs provide as much comfort to the listener (you!) as they did to us. Select a musical pathway to travel upon.
1. Bufanda Song This is a song i wrote one night after my dearly beloved girlfreind bufanda cut the knot which i felt we had mended together and would never be broken. she broke up with me and i took my pain out through a song
2. Prozac Song
This song is a deep and personal song speaking about the issues derived from prozac. It helps to show how prozac can make you all happy. Even you Keesha. Yes you.
3. Metal Song
With our growing interest in metal I decided to experiment with this. Notice my metallic vocals screeching like no ones bussiness.
4. Cookies Rock Whoever said you cant mix cookies and rock and roll? We jsut did ya'll. I feel this is an ecletic representation of our work.
5. Acoustic Metal Another metal ballad. Superb and to the point Rock y Roll.
The cover of that john mayer song u hear on the radio. Only done better.
6. John Mayer