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Just Kickin

Random Insult: Are you always this stupid, or are you making a special effort today?

Quotes of the moment:
"I would like a room with a shower, please"
"Is that your minkey?"
"What do I do if my computer is messing up?"
- - "type 'format c'. all problems will stop"

This is a subliminal message. You will read it. You will ENJOY it. You will bow down to the power of me, and buy cheese. BUY CHEESE!! DO YOU HEAR ME??? BUY CHEESE....then put ketchup (ITS NOT SPELLED CATSUP....silly Brits) and EAT it...and EAT more!! AND more!! THEN, when you have eaten all you can, can you eat even one more thin mint? even just one more, wafer thin mint??

Visit my band's website, No Show

Ok, this site is suckin some fat ass. i really need to renovate it, and a renovating it will get. ive now realized that probably two people read these site updates (and for that matter, look at my site), me, and Bob the pedifile down the street. SO. this site isnt going to suck ass anymore. Starting now, im making a band website (chris and james, get your fat asses of the couch, and get playing), and most of my time is going into that. this site will mainly just sit and collect cyber dust, and direct any users the band website. Oh yeah, if anyone really does read this, ill be posting some band names up, you guys can vote on which one ya want.

Here are the wicked webpages that make up my site...

  • HTML for the masses
  • Recommended Music
  • My MSN Profile
  • Poems/Lyrics
  • History Of My Site
  • Quotes
  • Polls


    My MSN Profile
    HTML for the Dummies
    Quotes of Coolness
    Chris's website
    Offspring's website
    Greenday's website
    NFG's website
    Best radio station in the world (The End, duh)

    View My Guestbook
    Sign My Guestbook

    Email me!
