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Weiss || Koyasu Takehito || Yuuki Hiro || Seki Tomokazu || Miki Shin'ichiro || Images || The Tunes
Our Thoughts || Mail Us || The Demented Duo || Links

Demented Weiss

Welcome to a small tribute to those older-than-usuall bishounen of Weiss, Demented Weiss! I'm Midnight and my partner Xella-sama is right over there! *points and Xella-sama waves*
Hi hi ^^ I'm Xella-sama~! I'd just like to say that we both adore Weiss and when we make fun of them it's just our obsessive fangirlishness overflowing! If anyone has any information about the band members that we don't have up, e-mail us and tell us! Specially lil amusing things such as the info about Koyasu's eartails and such. Anyway ^^ Click away and enjoy the demnetedness~!

Cliques We've Joined: XD We join as Demented Duo, case your wonderin'.

seiyuu ¤ Yuuki Hiro

Crawford's Angels of ~||~ Weiss the Band

I like || AyaKenOmiYohji

I stole Schuldich's power!

!!Cravings || Koyasu's Pocky

Disclaimer: We don't own Weiss (damn!) or their songs. This is a fan page. All original content is copyright Xella-sama and Midnight 2001.