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Trennyl Homepage

Band Members

Trennyl is a rock band out of a hell hole otherwise known as Argyle, Texas. We currently don't have a drummer and are looking for one. One year ago, even though we had pretty much no experience with singing or guitar playing, a really stupid yet ingenius thought entered our heads... Let's start a band! We aquired our instruments, dug up some talent (or whatever you wish to call it... most likely luck and too much self-confidence) and started making music. We have many challenges to look forward to and we'll keep you posted on any that occur.

Latest News-

  • We have a new email account that McCall and Tam will be using, strickly for band business. The address is Hope to hear from you soon.
  • Battle of the Bands will be held at Ryan highschool Friday 16, at 6:00. There will be plenty of kickass bands so go see it and make some new friends.
  • We are still on the search for a bassist and drummer, hoping a second guitarist. If you know any one or are one yourself, please go to the forum and write about it under the select catagory. It would help us out very much. Thank you.
  • as of October 4, Mercedes, our beloved bassist, has left the band due to complications in school... Hell, she just decided to quit and live out on international waters until this whole "bank robbery situation involving armed gorrilas" has cooled down.

    • On the plus side, we got a few pictures up! check 'em out.
    • More updates will be posted when... uh... when we feel the need to inform you about something. Yeah that's it.

    Lesson of the week- C is for Crowded, L is for Ladder, or grandma....or llama..... or poop for that matter....
    -brought to you by sockmonkey and sponsered by penis, the male organ of happiness.


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    Suburban Uprising the Local Band