Essence Of Garbage- Mainpage
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News and Info

09-29-03 : More ramblings from me, Drew. Looks like we're gonna have a practice soon. If we don't get anything done then the band is toast. I'm bored of never doing anything. Anyway I hope we get some stuff done cuz it's been fun playin with Megan and Steve. Even if we don't at least if we ever wanna join another band we'll be like 'HEY I WAS IN ESSENCE OF GARBAGE AND WE NEVER DID ANYTHING!' Not the best 'resume' but, hey, better than nothing right?

09-27-03 : Today I wrote like a lot of a song while i was jammin out with my guitar. I will most likely wake up tomorrow and realize it is junk and throw it away but at least i tried to do something for once. Otherwise it is the same old laziness I doubt we'll ever do anything real good for a while.

09-15-03 : Yea we got another new name cuz I'm so clever and I get bored so I waste my talents on that. I don't know if Steve even knows about this yet. Anyway we keep practicing but we can't play anything still but oh well.

11-16-02 : (The Precious First Update- Do Not Delete Guys!!) Welcome to the band homepage. We are beginning to create our band. We are at the time in the process of writing. We have the drumset but most of the other instruments we are still earning money for. We hope to be rehearsing a few songs within a year. We will post up sample music for our fans, info on our songs, lyrics, etc.

The Band

  • Drew- Lead Guitar, Vocals
  • CB- Bass
  • Steve- Vocals
  • ????- Drums