Whispers of the Heart

Well, here’s the first chapter. Warnings in this are sap, tiny bit of angst, AxL, hint of AxA but that won’t last long considering I don’t like Arwen and this will only be for plot’s sake. ^_^

Chapter 1: What the Heart Wants

“Estel?” Legolas called softly as he peered into another room but this time he heard an answering reply from the study a little ways down the hall. Walking gracefully through the doorway, the elf was pleased to find the Man that he had been searching for all afternoon.

“Good afternoon, Legolas. What calls for my attention?” Aragorn ask as soon as the blonde prince had entered the room.

Raising an eyebrow, Legolas took the seat across from Aragorn. “Must I have a reason to visit a friend?” /And I wish more./ But Legolas dared not utter that thought out loud, for he feared Aragorn’s rejection.

“I apologize. Tis just the upcoming quest of the Ring that troubles me.” Sighing, Aragorn leaned back in his seat as Legolas perched on his desk.

Legolas frowned. “You should get some rest. It will not do well if you cannot travel in a week. Rivendell is quite a way from Mirkwood, Estel.”

Opening one gray eye, the Ranger tried to smile. “I know my friend but I must finish these reports first.”

The elf picked up one of the many papers that were scattered on the desk. “Tis just simple work. I can finish it for you if you would like.”

“It is late Legolas. You should sleep.” Aragorn sat up so he fully look his best friend in the eyes.

“I’m fine. Remember that I am an elf. We are able to deal with fatigue better than you are, Estel.” Answered the archer prince.

“I—“ Aragorn seemed as though he were to say something important but at that moment a messenger knocked on the door. “What is it?”

“Lady Arwen has arrived and calls for your company my Lord.” Said the elf.

Sighing, Aragorn stood. “Where is the Lady?”

“In the gardens.”

“Thank you.” The two companions watched the messenger leave before Aragorn turned to Legolas apologetically. “I must go.”

“Don’t worry.” Masking the pain with a smile, Legolas gently pushed Aragorn to the door. “I’ll finish some of your work for you. See you at breakfast then.”

Reluctantly, even though the Ranger did not know why, Aragorn left the hall with a nod.

Legolas sighed unhappily as he settled in the seat that his friend had occupied but moments ago. /You are a fool Legolas. He loves Arwen, not you./ With a heavy heart, the blonde elf began to shuffle through the papers.

* * * * *

“Aragorn? Are you well?”

Aragorn glanced up at Arwen, startled from his thoughts. “I’m well. Just thinking.” With that Arwen nodded and turned back to the stars while Aragorn returned to his thoughts. /She calls me Aragorn. Do I not even trust her enough to allow her to call me Estel? The only one that I have ever allowed that is Legolas, but why?/

Because he means more to you than a friend. Another voice in his heart answered.

/He does mean more to me than a friend but how do I tell Arwen that? More over, how do I tell Legolas that? I do not want to loose his friendship if my feelings are not returned./ Casting a sideways look at Arwen, Aragorn sighed. /I just do not love Arwen anymore. At least no more than as a sister./ Fingering the Evenstar necklace beneath his tunic, the dark-haired man contemplated what he was to do.

* * * * *

It was a little past one in the morning when Aragorn returned to his study to gather his papers although the sight that greeted him was not what he had predicted and he chuckled.

On the desk, his papers had been neatly piled except for a few that lay under a sleeping Legolas. Aragorn knew that Legolas had not been sleeping well these past days and that was why he had been reluctant to give his work to the elf but he had never expected Legolas to fall asleep at his desk. Shaking his head, the Ranger strode over and lifted the light elf carefully from the chair. Immediately, Legolas cuddled against Aragorn’s chest, causing the man to stop. /He’s so beautiful. I really do love him./

Placing a gentle kiss on the archer’s forehead, Aragorn continued to the room that he and Legolas shared. It was a custom ever since they first met when they were but young children to sleep in the same bed and even though they were grown their sleeping arrangements had not changed.

Struggling to unlock the door, Aragorn finally managed to turn the knob and kick it soundlessly open. Walking over to the bed, he gently set Legolas onto the sheets before returning to shut the door. The Ranger then removed both of their shoes and swords before unwinding the braids from Legolas’ hair.

Settling beside the elf, Aragorn was not surprised when his friend moved into his arms. It was the same every night beginning from the time when they started sharing a bed and to tell the truth the Ranger had grown accustomed to having Legolas enfolded against him. For some reason, it just felt right to hold the blonde archer while they slept.

* * * * *

The next morning, Legolas awoke to bright sunlight filtering through the partly opened drapes. He frowned briefly, wondering how he had come back to the bedroom when he recalled having fallen asleep in Aragorn’s study. Although, now he was lying in their bed in the man’s arms. /He must had carried me here./ Smiling lovingly, Legolas brushed a few stray strands of deep brown silk out of Aragorn’s eyes before extracting himself carefully from the warm embrace.

Legolas stretched and gathering a new set of clothes, went to shower.

It was not long after the elf left that Aragorn awoke from the lack of his partner’s warmth in his arms. Blinking a few times, the Man slowly stood and cast a searching glance across the room. /Hmm. . .he probably went to bathe./

Yawning, the Ranger sighed as he retrieved brown leggings and a blue shirt from the cabinet. Trudging out of the room, Aragorn found his way to another bathing facility to get ready for the day.

* * * * *

It wasn’t until lunch time when Legolas and Aragorn saw each other again, each having been pulled into matters of one subject or another.

Aragorn sighed tiredly as he slumped into a chair on their balcony. Moments later, he heard the bedroom door open quietly and then light footsteps on the carpeted floor before Legolas sat down beside him.

“How is your day so far?” Asked the elf softly.


Smiling sympathetically, Legolas stood and walking behind his friend, pulled up a chair and proceeded to massage Aragorn’s shoulders. “You could always remain here for the rest of the day. I’ll stay with you and give you company if you wish.”

Patting one of Legolas’ hands in gratitude, Aragorn shook his head. “No, we still have our duties but I thank you for your concern.”

“I just worry about you for you are my friend.” Legolas leaned down slightly and hugged his friend around the neck.

Licking his lips, Aragorn pressed back into the warmth without thought. “Hmm. . .” Tilting his head to the side slightly, the man silently studied the fair face so close to his own. He was so tempted to claim those lips for his own but as he was about to lean forward there came a knock at the door.

Legolas and Aragorn quickly jumped guiltily apart and face burning, the elven prince answered the door. “May I help you?”

“Is the Lord Aragorn here?” Queried the messenger.

“He is.”

The other elf bowed in respect before speaking again. “The Lady Arwen would like to lunch with him if that would be his wish.”

Glancing behind him, Legolas raised an eyebrow when he saw Aragorn sigh before standing and coming to the door. “I should go then. I will speak to you tonight Legolas.”

Nodding, the blonde watched sadly as the Ranger walked away with the messenger and then shut the door. Collapsing against the wall, Legolas sighed brokenly. /I know that you reciprocate my feelings now or you would not have reached for that kiss Estel so why do you insist on pushing me away?/ Venturing back out onto the balcony, Legolas remained there until Ithil had fully risen.


Alright. Well here it is, the first chapter to my very first Lord of the Rings chapter fic. Other than that thanks for reading and check for updates soon.