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Toby Keith's Dreamteamers' Unofficial Site


Updated March 1, 2004.... Concert Reviews, News & Rumors, Bibliography, and Scrapbook!

Yess, I've updated! It's about time:-) I haven't had as good of a response on here as I have on the RF site, so I'm getting busy and making this one better to (hopefully) encourage more people to help me out!

As you can see, all the links on the left now have an address associated to them, however, most of them don't work... you can help me fix this by helping out *hint* hehe. No, but that's okay, I'll get around to them eventually even if you don't.

Anyway, if you can't see the marquee on the top... the concert reviews, calendar, and scrapbook have been updated. More updations (is that a word? lol) to come when I my bum in gear. Feel free to give me a kick and send me something! :)

*Just incase you haven't figured it out, this we are in NO way affiliated with Toby Keith or Dreamworks Nashville. We just love his music:) And I've been careful to site all the info I've gotten to their rightful owner;-), just check out the "Bibliography" Section.