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Welcome To Highly Evolved My Vines Site



9/15 I finally got off my ass and uploaded the site. Check out the Audio Video Section for The Vines performance on MTV VMAS.
8/30 Wow did u see The Vines perform yesterday on the VMAs! They kicked ass. They are winning the battle on Click here to vote for them. I thought Eminem was gay for what he did. He just uses Moby to have something to write about. To me that's stupid and not professional. 
8/27 Thursday is the Video Music Awards on MTV. The Vines will perform there. I am sure it's going to kick ass. The Hives, another cool band, will be there to perform too. Linkin Park are going to present. Of course there are going to be other stupid useless artists. So check that out. 





© Jocam's Highly Evolved Vine's Website

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