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SPINFIRE Street Team Page


Official Spinfire Homepage
Spinfire Girls Website
Spinfire Babes Website

Click here for unreleased music!!!
YO! Crickie here with some Spinfire News for all you faithful fans...Evan is in Avril's Band, who is the canadian pop singer taking over MTV and radio...Matt is in a killer band called Suzi with our old producer, rennie grant....and I'm at Berklee college of music follin around in the guitar department. Anyone heard from Chad? anyay, for you new fans who want cd's, email me at and i'll hook it up for just the cost of shipping. Well, thats all for now. Check out the "unreleased" section for stuff you haven't heard. Later!
CHECK IT OUT!! we broke up! stay tuned for the reunion!! thanks to all of you for all your help!!
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Hey! Two assholes signed our forum with some pretty funny entires. Check them out, and add something yourself!!Talk about what you want out of SPINFIRE this spring.