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The Lord Oblivion Project; Ground Zero

06/08/03..... Big Brother Is Watching

as you may or may not have found out by now, the machine that is have made all pages to tracks in their system inactive and unaccessable unless that track is listed from the homepage... so the previous entry from February is flawed... oh well... as it turns out then, in order for me to keep you from having to pay to listen to the T.L.O.P demos (might as well keep the previous stuff free since once i record with Golgotha Records you'll have to buy the albums) i've decided that what i will do is since i'm allowed to choose which tracks appear on the page (and thus which ones you can download) i'll take 'requests'; if there's a specific track you want from the discography then email me and request it... i will transfer access of that track to the page and leave it in the list for 7 days after i receive the request... then after that week i'll return to the "default" list ("Toss Me To The Air", "Shadowscape", and "Absolute Zero (Local Gods mix)"... it's the only way i can keep the demos free until i eventually get fed up with and move to another site (and i have a few in mind, believe me)...

appologies all around for the delay on updates, but it's been hectic... expect more word sooner than this next time...


02/04/03..... Cogs In The Machine
in the past, i may have alluded to my displeasure in the path that had decided to embark on... NOW they've justified that accusation...

"As of January 31st 2003 all non-members of the Artist Premium Program will have the number of songs on their artist page limited to the 3 latest uploaded..."

well well well...

as it stands, i DID update in November of last year with the addition of a new section that you may or may have not noticed in the options there; the 'Discography' section has been changed to incorperate the lyrics for each ep's tracks as well as a link to the page where they can be heard... but upon learning of's decision to limit the song lists, i decided to check to see if what i proposed to do would pan out or would be 8 hours worth of work to give you all 16 dead links...

but as it turns out, it DID work... and each track on the old page can be accessed individually by either clicking onto the 'Discography/Lyrics' link on the homepage or by clicking onto these three words...

as for recording with Golgotha Records, the combination of paperwork being filed and the possibility that i may be undergoing surgery have placed "the best laid plans of mice and men" in hiatus for a few months.. but as soon as i know something, you'll know something...

until then,


09/12/02..... Absolute Zero
depending on the speed of approval, the mix of the song
"Absolute Zero" will appear on within the next few days... this mix titled the "Local Gods mix" is a mix of the original unreleased T.L.O.P track from 1996... expect other versions of this track to surface over the next little while...

check in over the next few days when the link turns active..


07/19/02..... The Ephemeral
as was announced in the mailing list, there is another addition to the "Raves and Revelations" section of "The Core" titled "The Ephemeral".. the purpose of this particular rant was to introduce a sort of sub-species or sub-state of being that the main character of the upcoming "The Harbinger" release is involuntarily forced into.. from relevent to obsolete and the repercussions that are associated with such a trauma...

check back periodically to be updated on progression...


06/10/02….. The Great Relapse
“more updates will follow...and i promise they will be more frequent...” … man i’m so full of shit… it’s been almost half a year since the last update and much has transpired but none that are relevant in regards of an update…

as for Golgotha Records, the session has been pushed ahead… those of you who have waited for “The Harbinger” will see it rear its ugly head soon enough… in the meantime, for those of you who haven’t visited the page, you will see the ‘Ded Tanker’ remix of “Obsolete” by Ash as well as the 1994 reprise and fourth verse of “Shadowscape” titled “Tears Of Clay (Shadowscape Reprise)”…

also worth mentioning is that i’ve taken the liberty of making the "Finality and Obliteration; The Core" link more “user friendly”… i’ve also added some new links, most of which are just for my own twisted entertainment… hopefully you might find them either useful or entertaining… if nothing else they may help you waste some time…

more updates to follow….


01/23/02..... The Return Of Oblivion
due to circumstances beyond my control, updates have been scarce at best... appologies all around... in the wake of the holiday onslaught, much has come to light...

California based label Golgotha Records have slotted recording of "The Harbinger" for sometime around June of this year... those of you who have been waiting for this album may see it by late Fall... in other news, the remainder of the "Spawning From The Core Abyss" ep will eventually see the light of day...

seeing as the tracks on "The Anatomy Of Deadsoul" are Harbinger-related, once the recording is done with Golgotha the independently released tracks will be removed from those who have an original copy of "The Anatomy Of Deadsoul" let it be known that they are no longer being reproduced...

more updates will follow...and i promise they will be more frequent...


10/31/01..... Happy Samhain
from everyone at Ground Zero, may you have a happy Samhain eve...


10/04/01..... The Beginning Animated
out of all the songs that i've created since the beginning, the catalyst that started it all was a track that i titled "Shadowscape"... this track has laid dormant since 1993 or 1994... now, it is available at the page... recording it brought back a flood of memories and makes me realize how far i've come since then... the beauty of music is that it has its own lifespan..the only death it knows is the fault of the human brain to forget... it was in this vein of thought that i decided to record the "Spawning From The Core Abyss" ep... now that period of my life i've come to call "Stage 2; Pure Flight" can be immortalized to a degree (for whatever thats worth)... regardless, "Shadowscape" and its counterpart "Shadowscape Reprise" as well as Project rarities "Tears Of Clay" and Ash's remix of "Obsolete" will end up on sooner than later...


09/11/01..... Spawning From The Core Abyss; Rarities And Remixes
within the next few days to a week, new and remixed tracks will appear at the site... right now, a remixeded version of "Toss Me To The Air" is awaiting approval as is the previously unreleased track "Terminus Est"... check in periodically to see what else shows up...


09/11/01..... Inhumanity And The Darkest Of Hours
the state of the eastern usa right now (as well as the world) is in shock over this senseless act of inhumane violence.... as am i.... i cant believe that people are capable of this sort of thing in our age...and it reminds us how fragile everything really is... how everything can end at the sadistic whim of a fanatic.... and it saddens me to think that each and every one of us arent immune either... everything we strive for; everything we dream of; it all can be ended in a second....

i mourn those lost and for their families..and i offer my deepest of condolences... this is unthinkable.. but its all too real...for those of you that are religious, cling to your deities...for the rest of you, persevere... and take care.....


08/25/01..... Finality And Obliteration; The Core
the site is now 99.87% operative.. the link known as"Finality and Obliteration; The Core" is now active, which heralds the end of the inactive links... contained within this link are miscellaneous links that are or are not Project related; from old Ground Zero entries/rants to other artist links and sites.... periodically, ill get the urge to change these links so remember to check back to see what i've done...


08/17/01..... Involuntary Evolution
as you may be able to tell by the URL, Ground Zero has jumped from being confined to Homestead to being incorperated into the Angelfire AND Geocities servers.... so unfortunately, we'll have to get used to those adds... but it could've been worse; they COULD have ended up being pop-ups... but i would have rather have someone piss in my eyes than have to look at a pop-up every time i entered a page...nevertheless, i'll have to work with what i'm given... and i would like to take this opportunity to congradulate Homestead for pulling the same shit that did....


this site progress is around 80% operational and i'll do my best to have it completed soon.

Until next time,


07/30/01 ....."Shedding Skin"; Ground Zero Relocation 2001
the demise of July finds Ground Zero's offices relocating to the middle of the country..... needless to say, its been a little more than hectic; and also needless to say, production is at a stand-still until the dust settles.... in upcoming updates you will find:
  • the link to "The Nativity of Abominations" explanation page operative
  • more pictures that should be destroyed added to the photo gallery
  • more incoherent rambling (of course)

Until then,
