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The Super Exo Squad Fan Site!!!

8-25-03: WOWZA! went to go see the movie. MY BOSS'S DAUGHTER. it was alright, the highlight of the movie though, was the scene in the kitchen. Trying so hard playing loud and clear. i have to admit, kim and i stood up and sang along, and the people were angry, but who cares? anyway, go check out the movie. in the credits, some names are mentioned and of course exo squad is up there. all in all the movie was funny, but sortof meet the parents ish... could be because it was produced by ben stiller, but hey- anyway-t his is all- take care now, bye bye then 8-4-03: dun dun dun!!! the question many exo fans have been asking has yet to be answered! the question.... when is the next show? dun dun dun... we dont know, because we have been asking the same question! so anyway, on another note, that movie, the boss's daughter comes out this month and incase u DIDNT know, thats the movie their song, trying so hard (pimp song) will be in. so check the theaters and thier site and the paper, and all that good stuff for more info, and if youre lucky, maybe we'll even put something about it on here! yay! anyway, this is the news for now. adios- ALSO CHECK SHOW REVIEW FOR UPDATES 4-15-03 it has come to our attention, that people think that there is no exo squad fan site... this makes us sad, though, it is, mostly our fault for getting lazy with the updates... this is a pretty boring site... so we have decided to take it upon oursleves to make some changes and bring back to the world the greatest fan site in the history of.... of... of us... so... check back soon for great updates, new poll qquestions and possibly a new quiz or something, and if we can figure out how to put pics up, some coll pictures from some shows! so, it is my pleasure to give to u, the exo squad super fan site... have fun!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You have come upon the only site out there that has been made in honor of the greatest most super ska band in history! Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for: *drum roll please, Andy*...and Tim...(and by the way, Andy and Tim will Always our officail drum rollers on this site!) The Exo Squad!!! "Yay! Ooooh, Aaaahhh!!" ok, well, its not that exciting, but here it is! So click around, enjoy some pie, sing about some super heroes and have a good time, then tell us all about it in our great guest book aka the fanbook! So sit back and dive into the amazing world of the Exo Squad take care now bye bye then!
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