Welcome To Sundown Country!


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The folks you see in the above photo comprise the Sundown Country Band. Pictured from left to right are Lonny Gustafson, Kevin Morrison, Diane Sanborn,Tom McDonough, and Ernie McDougal. Pictured below is our occaisional guest and amigo, Sergio Torres.
Sundown Country plays a mix of music that is loosely categorized as "country."  A partial song list can be viewed here.   Sundown Country is available for bookings in the Central Vermont area.
Lonny: Pedal Steel, Guitar, Sax, Banjo, Flute, Keyboard, Vocals

Diane: Featured Vocalist

Kevin: Drums

Tom: Guitar, Vocals

Ernie: Bass, our newest member

Click here for Songlist


2005 Schedule:

Oct 29            Barre Moose   8-12
Nov 12            Morrisville VFW  8-12
Nov 19            Chelsea Private Party
Dec 3             Barre Moose  8-12
Dec 10            Canadian Club 8:30
Dec 17            Barre Legion 8:00
Dec 31            Hartford Elks 

2006 Schedule
Jan 21              VFW Lebanon NH 8-12
Feb 4              Hardwick Legion 8-12
Mar 11            Barre Legion 8-12
Apr 8              Barre Legion 8-12
Apr 15            Morrisville VFW
Jun 3              Barre Legion 8-12
July 1             Hardwick Legion 8-12
July 3             Morrisville VFW street dance
July 23            Craftsbury Gazebo
Aug 19            Laggis Farm party (Hardwick)
Sept 2             Private Party (S. Barre)
Nov 4 (or 11)     Morrisville VFW
Nov 18            Hardwick Legion 8-12
Dec 31            Morrisville VFW
Sergio: On rhythm guitar and vocals, you will sometimes find Sergio, our longtime amigo.


NEW!!!!! Games Section
* Try the Sundown Country Crossword Puzzle
* Play Rubics Cube
*Download BudBomb ---NEW--- Help rid the world of bad beer!


button.gif (1582 bytes)Audio clip coming soon

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