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this is the official website made by two of the more intuitive and talented band memebers. namely they are zack lehmer (drums) and chris smith (vocals and bass). so ignore the other two and give us all the praises after checking out our awesome website. also feel free to check out the links to other sites you might like. here are a few random thoughts from chris: are marbles made of marble/ do birds pee/ if the whole world is in debt where did all the money go/ how do horses=glue/ how did clayton get a fro/ if a woman was president would her husband be the first man/ what if the president's child was a he-she, would it be the first it.....wait what am i thinking?!/ why is CAMERON HUNT black/ what if ZACK LEHMER had created the world/ what if the white house was purple with pink stipes why do we call it stars & stripes, why not stripes and stars/ are zebras black on white or white on black.....i think they're pink all over, maybe that's just me/ lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala...deep breath...llallalalalalalalalalalallamalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalawootwootwoowtwootwootwowwootwootwootwootwootwootwoot/ why is it called a curb/ why am i doing this/ am i dead/ are you dead/ are you my concience/ i wonder if fish ever wonder why i wonder that fish wonder tha.........../ am i just rambling / r ewe blind/ armageddon outta here/ bye/


band members