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Final Update On Manifest Destiny.

Hey everybody! Well, it's official, we've disbanded "Manifest Destiny". Damn, that was one hell of a fun ride, that started on March 15, 2004, when Ken Postnikoff (rythm guitar), Leigh Creegan (drums), Kris Koleznikoff (lead guitar), and Kyle Heiges (bass and vocals), jammed in a basement for the first time as a band.

The summer of 2004 brought A TON of jamming and 2 originals, "Rock n Rule" and the instrumental, "Oblivioun" where completed, as well as several other song ideas on the go.

Manifest played it's first, and only live show on September 25, 2004, 7 PM at The Station Youth Centre Lava Lounge; closing the night after "Myth" (Clayton Leduc, James Forseberg, and Neil von Whitconstien), and "Eternally Yours" began the night.

Manifest performed "Rock n Rule", "Olbivioun", and the Metallica classic, "For Whom The Bell Tolls". The show was video taped.

The show was by no means perfect- amp problems diminished Kris Koleznikoff's solos and made the bass sound bright and almost "happy"-, but, it was a great time and a great learining expirence.

After the show, tensions built as the 4 of us had been spending way too much time togehter, and we began to get on each other's nerves. Consequently, production was slowed to a halt and nothing was being accomplished. Meanwhile, things with Leigh and Kyle's other band, "Eternal Rest" were really picking up. As Ken and Kris tried to work out the problems of the past, Kyle and Leigh were making good music and plans with Eternal Rest, but still agreed to stick with Manifest for as long as possible.

Time ran out on October 29, 2004, as Leigh Creegan, co-founder of the band, finally stepped down from his drumming possition in Manifest Destiny, as Manifest was still in chaos, and Eternal Rest was becoming a well oiled war machine.
There's no hard feelings about his decision, we all actually knew it would happen someday, it was just a matter of time. Leigh is an INCREDABLE drummer and person, and he is wished all he best.

Then, Ken, Kyle, and Kris solgiered on for a time, but then too, Kyle finally had to comit fully to Eternal Rest, and officially removed himself on December 28, 2004; exactly 3 months after Leigh did.
Again, we new this day would come, and now it has finally arrived. Kyle is also wished all the best, and is thanked enormisly for his contribution to this experience.

So, now, it's over. the ride has come to an end. Wow, SOO many damn cool memeories...the best days of my life were spent in Leigh's basement pounding out music. Who knows, we're all still best friends, so, maybe someday we could once again jam out a few old tunes!

For right now, you can check our "Eternal Rest" to see those wildmen, Kyle and Leigh kick osme major ass, while opening for Lithium on March 19, 2004 at Cominco Arena in Trail!

Whatever the future holds, there's always these great memories. So, for the last time, "hey man, we'll see you around!!!" Thank you gooood nite!!