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Last Updated: Monday December 22, 2003

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NEELY: "Would you like a flowerrrr" , "and daddd I feel so alone, and daddddd I'm so confused, and dadddd..." hahahhaha good times.

LAUREN H: chewy bars!!


TIM: walking around the block...again.

FITZY: the notebook...our only source of communication it seems

SHOEY: I actually see you this year!!

BECKY:  BUS RIDES..."gump gump went the little green frog.." and poppy corn.

MONICA: I never get to see you anymore. Call me!

ARCHIE: I don't see you much this year =(

LAUREN: bus rides...enough said

TONY: one

SCOTT T:  Kill Tony with toothpicks.

SEAN B: family guy party.....?

SCOTT F:   umm..

MIKE: Starburst wrapper races...wahoo!