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angelfire - free home pages
jenna's xanga
steph's xanga
all hopes lost
my own downfall


Wassup!!! lol. This is the new and improved Split Personality site. Well i guess it's not that much better than the old one, but at least it looks sweeter. lol. I've been working my ass of to make this, especially with this GHETTO ass computer. lol. GHETTO! HAH! Well yea anyways, I'm not so sure, but if our band gets enough practice we just might do the talent show this year if everyone agrees with it. lol. Hopefully we're good. Psych! I already know we're gonna rock people's socks. I HAVE FAITH!!! lol. Well this is our site so enjoy. There should be more new things being posted...eventually. lol. Yea well...ta ta-Steph

Hey again! Well I haven't had anything to say lately, and well, I still don't, but I just wanted everyone to know that Jenna has finally returned from her vacation to North Carolina, and we've all missed her o-so-much. lol. Well, welcome back Jenna! Well, Tuesday was the day of GC's new release. A lot of you might not give a damn, but I, personally, don't give a damn about what you give a damn about! haha. YES!!! ta ta -Steph

OMFG! We had a pep rally today, and they said that someone's band in our school volunteered to perform, but they never did! Plus the pep rally sucked ass. lol. Yea, and some of the freshmen voluteered to play tug-o-war with the sophmores, and guess what...we lost! Owell, nothing new about that. lol. Why does every pep rally suck? Well, I guess that's Kinsway for ya! Nothing good ever really happens. Well, SLPL is most likely all gonna be at the homecoming tommorow night. Yea, and hopefully it's fun. Unlike the pep rally...-Steph

Today was homecoming, and all of Split Personality was there. Well, I don't think Becky was though. lol. It was pretty cool though. Better than i thought it would be. Yea, well, me and Angela were making this remix to "Lean Back", and it's called "Lean Forward" because we're too cool to lean back, so yea...LEAN FORWARD! Dan was so usual, but that dude is so friggin awesome! It was really cool though, and i think-or at least hope-everyone had a good time. Nothing like the gay ass pep rally. I love you all.-Steph

Well, nothing's really going on usual. lol. I just wanted to let everyone know that if you have a band with a website, and you want us to put your band's site as a link on this site then just email me at the email address below. I really don't remember how i know about the other band in our links section. lol. :) -Steph

Awesome! Anthony gave me a flyer to see his band because he's one awesome dude! lol. Yea, so I'm gonna go see My Own Downfall in Woodstown on the 30th. Hey, I might bring the rest of our totally rad band. lol. Maybe we'll all learn a thing, or two, about for our own band. LIKE EVERYONE BEING ABLE TO PRACTICE!!!! lol. Yep, well, that's my news for today. My Own Downfall in Woodstown. Love ya! -Steph

Hey dudes! It's been a while. Well, I'm having a Halloween party next weekend, so i want all of you wonderful people to come!!! Well, most of you anyway. lol. Still, be sure to check out My Own Downfall at 6 p.m. because there is one awesome dude in that band by the name of Anthony. lol. Check out their site for more info. Ta ta!!! -Steph

Hey today is mischief night! I think! lol. Today is also the day to see My Own Downfall play at the Halloween Festival in Buzby Farms in South Harrison. Check it out! Sorry, but my party was canceled. Hey, even more of a reason to go check out My Own Downfall! Well, have fun today guys! Later! -Steph
