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Band Members

Chris S. - Vocals
Dean R. - Guitars
Brad C. - Bass
Ryan L. - Drums


SPIRIT ZERO is a Southern New Jersey based hard rock band. The band was founded by surviving members Ryan and Dean in August of 2000. The band was originally a five piece group consisting of Ryan L, Dean R, Pete Y, Steve L, and Kevin H. The band was named "RoKn." (Not hard to figure out). Within three weeks of the birth of RoKn, Vocalist Kevin H. leaves the band due to lack of interest. The same goes for Steve L. who would have been the bassist, we got the point as he never came to a practice. We tried out another bassist but our styles did not mix and we decided to just go ahead without a steady bassist, (Pete and Dean would eventually switch off between guitar and bass). Now three members stood: Dean R. (Guitars/Bass/vocals), Ryan L. (Drums/vocals), and Pete Y. (Guitars/Bass/vocals). This line up would stay for the next year and after many name changes (Dynamic Blend, Twisted Anger, Synthetic Twist, Engine Room, etc) the band finally came across an agreed name, "Negative ChromoZone." Once a year had passed and gone, the band realized they needed a bassist to enhance their sound. Anthony W, a friend of Pete's took interest in the position and tried out and made the band. Within a months time, Anthony left the band. Shortly after this, the shit hit the fan hard. Dean started developing medical problems in the intestines and was loosing weight rapidly, because of the conditions, the band would go on an undesired break, months went by with practices being cancelled time and time again. Over time however, things began to look up and the band seemed to be getting back on its feet once again. Now, we still had one problem, none of us could sing worth a shit. We needed a singer and we needed one bad. In the halls of hell (AHS) Ryan heard childhood friend Chris S. singing "Open Your Eyes" by Staind. Not having seen Chris for two to three years, he still felt his voice was too amazing to pass up. Ryan approached Chris and asked him to try out for the band. Chris was interested and tried out when the time came and made it. After close to two years, things finally seemed to be looking up for the now four of us then. We had our first taste of what it was like to sound fairly decent! Unfortunately, we weren't out of the rut yet. In March, with Chris being in the band for mere weeks, Dean's lung collapses and he is hospitalized for a week. The lung heals after medical measures were taken but Dean was restricted to bed rest for another month. Again the band must take a break. A months time passed and we were ready as ever to play. We decided to scrap mostly everything we had done before Chris had joined the band, establish a permanent new band name and start fresh. We were getting better and better, but member Pete Y seemed to be loosing interest in the band more and more. Tragedy strikes down on us once again as Dean's lung collapses for the second time. This time it meant surgery, one week hospitalization, and six weeks bed rest. After the band got back on its feet, member Pete Y announced his departure of the band to pursue a career in the air force. With Pete announcing his leaving, the band name was changed as he was very reluctant to agree to change the band name. After a practice dedicated to ponder band names, Ryan, Dean, and Chris finally came across one they all agreed on: SPIRIT ZERO. Two and a half years since this trip started and two original members remain. We had all grown drastically, gotten much better musically, and were getting noticed. However, we still had a problem, we needed a steady bassist! Brad C. a guy we jammed with once way back when this all started (we never made anything of it back then which was a big mistake) had come back to south Jersey. Unsure how Brad would react to our asking him to "try out" for the band, we decided that the opportunity was there and too good to pass up. Brad agreed to try out. At the first practice with Brad, everything clicked immediately, we knew this would be the line up that is here to stay. It has been nearly three years now since this has started, and we have all reached heights that just one year ago seemed so far away. We have been through some shit, but we are as strong as ever. Nothing will stop us, we will stop at nothing. We will be dropping our first eight track album soon, We promise to keep you posted.