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The Best Place in the World to Work!

Megan Elizabeth Pavlick
Birthday: 5/15/87
Position in the band: Rhythm guitarist
Gear: Epiphone guitar, Vox amp, Grunge pedal
Funniest memory in the band: When Tina did donuts in my yard.
Worst show: Meadeville *cringes*
Who’s your role model? God and my parents.
Favorite scripture: Matthew 19:26
Favorite movie: The Godfather
Favorite food: Indian and Chinese
Favorite drink: Mocha cappuccino or any other kind of caffeinated beverage.
Favorite band: The Beatles
Favorite song: Imagine- John Lennon
Hobbies: DDR, drawing anime, painting, taking care of my bonsai trees, and playing guitar.
What bands have the most influence on you? The Beatles, The Switch, The Rented Bodies
What made you want to be in a band? Meeting all kinds of new people and being able to do something I love which is playing guitar.
If you could be in any band, which band would it be? The Beatles, it would be so awesome to be able to jam with them, and then eat fish n’ chips and play poker with The Beatles.
Do you play any other instruments? Piano, I’ve been playing classical since I was 4.
If you could have any super power, what would it be and why? Telekinesis; ever see Yoda use it?

Tina Nicole Sykes
Birthday: 12/27/84
Position in the band: Bassist and vocals.
Gear: Fender bass and Peavey bass amp.
Funniest memory in the band: The car, when on accident I ripped up Megan’s yard!!
Worst show: Ohio
Who’s your role model? Jesus, family, plus Out of Eden.
Favorite scripture: Romans 5:8 and Phil. 4:13
Favorite movie: The Sound of Music and The Notebook.
Favorite food: Chinese food.
Favorite drink: Hot tea, iced tea, raspberry tea, or cream soda.
Favorite band: New Found Glory and Hawk Nelson.
Favorite song:
Hobbies: Singing and reading (when I have time.)
What bands have the most influence on you? The Switch and The Rented Bodies.
What made you want to be in a band? Honestly at first it was to say “Hey I’m in a band”, now its to reach out for people in Christ.
If you could be in any band, which band would it be? Um… there’s not really a band I would want to be with except Out of Eden, it would be so much fun.
Do you play any other instruments? Not now, I used to in high school.
If you could have any super power, what would it be and why? I would want to have powers just like Spiderman. He can fly, climb walls, save people; he’s a hero! HE WEBS PEOPLE! Just minus getting bit by the spider.

Sarah Marie Sykes
Birthday: 7/27/88
Position in the band: Lead guitarist and vocals.
Gear: Gibson Les Paul, Peavey tube amp, Grunge pedal, and Daddy-O pedal.
Funniest memory in the band: When Tina turned around in Megan’s yard and turned up the grass. When Megan was in her house (she has a wicked driveway) Tina yells “Go flip it over, hurry!” Megan comes out clueless “What?!” We all burst out laughing but her dad wasn’t too happy!
Worst show: Hm… I’d have to say Ohio, even though Meadeville wasn’t to far behind.
Who’s your role model? Jesus, my parents, all the old rock bands (too many to name.)
Favorite scripture: 1 Tim. 4:12
Favorite movie: Alice in Wonderland or The Notebook.
Favorite food: Chicken strips.
Favorite drink: Cappuccino.
Favorite band: Hawk Nelson, Dogwood, and Led Zepplin.
Favorite song:
Hobbies: Playing my guitar.
What bands have the most influence on you? The Switch, Paravel (RIP), The Rented Bodies, and Witness Protection Program.
What made you want to be in a band? I wanted to show teens that you can have a lot of fun and share God’s love with others at the same time!
If you could be in any band, which band would it be? This is a hard question, there’s way too many to choose from…
Do you play any other instruments? Piano, bass, and trumpet.
If you could have any super power, what would it be and why? I would have to say being able to fly, then you’d never have to wait in traffic and you’ll get places quicker!

Laura Ann Bentley
Birthday: 2/7/88
Position in the band: Drummer
Gear: CB percussion kit, crash and ride.
Funniest memory in the band: When Tina drove through Megan’s yard.
Worst show: Meadeville! (ugh… I like to pretend it never happened.)
Who’s your role model? My parents and Jesus.
Favorite scripture: Luke 9:25
Favorite movie: Aladdin
Favorite food: Sweet and sour chicken from China King.
Favorite drink: Holy Brown Cow with caramel from Commonplace Coffee House.
Favorite band: Dave Matthews Band
Favorite song: Fool In the Rain- Led Zepplin
Hobbies: Tennis, hacky sack, writing, and reading.
What bands have the most influence on you? Dave Matthews Band, The Switch, and The Beatles.
What made you want to be in a band? Getting to do something I love, spreading the message, and meeting new people.
If you could be in any band, which band would it be? Dave Matthews Band because I love their music and hanging out with Dave would be awesome.
Do you play any other instruments? I play spoons… actually I am a drummer only someday I’ll pick up bagpipe or something.
If you could have any super power, what would it be and why? Ability to fly, I could help save the world and cut down on pollution. :