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hey where alter ego we kick ass.sumore news just cos are bassist is vein a weiney and askin for a nu home page pic i updated dat an will keep doin so until i brake ma fibegers typein!-----------------------Well thers some updates but i dunno if any thin good will apear for a good few months maybe.we have sum new stuff like pics an other crap but keep chekin.Are bassist is found in the name of scott but if u is good lookin (female ) and can play g-tar then plz apply.Soon we've openin a letters bit for u who care for us that much so send ure emailz to bowyers or waynes e addy plz.(if u dont send no e mailz to us den i wont open a damn letterz bit). e mail ure pics and letters or anythin else u might wonna send us and send it to either me (danny) @ or wayne (wayne) @

pages coming soon

My Favorite Web Sites and next page

next page!!!!!!
wayne bio
danny bio
ShOuT OuT Of ThE wEeK!!!!!!!
Scotts bio
danny goodwins bio
sum pix of us!!!
more pix!!!!
this week (maybe years) comp
A nu page just for you (games)
