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The Members.

Tomas Mosqueira - Bass Guitar
Juan Etchegaray - Drums
Kabir Hingorani - Guitar
Camote - Keyboards
Diego Cebollero - Guitars
John Hoffman - Vocals

Here's Saratoya... now don't judge the band by the appearance of this website, but perhaps look more into the personal context of each, especially the musical background. We all currently live in Santiago, Chile (for all of the ignorants out there, thats in South America). Right now the genre of music we play is predominantly Norweigan Black Metal (Dimmu Borgir), but we have already started composing our own stuff. Soon I'll put up mp3s, pictures and videos of our jams. Para todos los que viven en Chile y no les gusta que esta wea este escrita en ingles... no se preocupen, lo unico que tienen que saber es que somos Saratoya, y el proximo 6 de Noviembre vamos a tocar en el colegio Southern Cross unos buenos temas de Dimmu Borgir. Ya nos deberian haber visto en el Portal La Dehesa, o en el Mayflower, asi que... esten atentos, porque aca se pondran los proximos conciertos. Tambien podran bajar mp3, videos, y fotos de nuestras tocatas y sesiones.