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Saikat Sengupta's Curriculum Vitae



Name Saikat Sengupta

Nationality Indian



I have established my career with over Nine years experience in the development of quality enterprise-scale software, primarily using Java Enterprise technologies. I have worked the entire software lifecycle as developer, mentor and module  lead.

I would like to pursue my career working on leading edge projects where I can continue to improve my technical knowledge whilst developing my mentoring and leadership skills.


Experience Summary

  • Over Nine years of  Software experience in design and development of business applications.
  • Extensive experience building web-based enterprise systems(Struts1.1 ,Custom Tag Libraries, WebServices ) and with a strong knowledge of enterprise Java (J2EE, including EJB, RMI,Servlets, JSP, JDBC) on a variety of application servers (Weblogic, Borland, JBoss, JRUN).
  • Experience in Internet Programming with Java, Multi threading and RMI programming.
  • Experience in writing Stored Procedures using PL/SQL and SQL.
  • Entrusted by several clients to reengineer their business processes and provide appropriate solutions using application software as the medium.
  • Excellent Interpersonal and communication skills.

Skills Summary

Java JDK 1.1 - 1.4.1  
Java (Enterprise) J2EE, EJB , JSP , Servlets, Struts , JNDI, RMI, JDBC, Custom Tag Libraries  
Web Technologies HTML, JavaScript, XML and Java technologies as above  
Web Services SOAP,WSDL
GUI Technologies Delphi 7.0, Developer 2000,Crystal Reports
UML Tool TogetherJ
Relational Databases Oracle 9i & 8x, MS-Access
Visual Editors Jbuilder, VisualAge  
Application & Web Servers Weblogic 8.1, Borland Enterprise Server 5.2,Tomcat Web Server 4.0.2

Projects Worked on

July 2003- Present

Insurance Agent/Agency Portal Website (Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, State of Wisconsin, USA)


The State of Wisconsin, Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI), regulates the business of insurance in Wisconsin. OCI licenses insurance companies and agents. This Portal website developed to provide online, current information regarding insurance companies, agents, and agencies to the public. The new search feature for the Agent/Agency Lookup provides information regarding licensee information including address, license status, license type, lines of authority, appointments and terminations, and administrative actions


  • Design and implementation of an Model View Architecture framework.
  • Involved in Designing Usecase Diagram, Class Diagram, Object Diagram and Sequential Diagram through TogetherJ.
  • Work with the team to move to the newly defined Struts framework
  • Used Custom Tag Libraries/JSP for View, Struts Actions Classes for Controller ,Data Value Object as a Model
  • Developed Business Logic and Presentation Layers in Java, JSP and JDBC.
  • Design the database model and generic access beans to store/retrieve business data via JDBC.
  • Installation and Configuration of Tomcat WebServer.
  • Wrote stored procedures and SQL to access data from Oracle.
  • Production link:

Jan 2003 – June 2003

Online Company Lookup Website  (Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, State of Wisconsin, USA)


The State of Wisconsin, Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI), regulates the business of insurance in Wisconsin. OCI licenses insurance companies and agents. This Portal website developed to provide online, current information regarding insurance insurance company type, state of domicile, license status, financial data, and registered agent for service of process information.


  • Worked on Struts framework i.e. MVC (Modal View Controller )  architecture.
  • Involved in Designing Usecase Diagram, Class Diagram, Object Diagram and Sequential Diagram through TogetherJ.
  • Work with the team to move to the newly defined Struts framework
  • Used Custom Tag Libraries/JSP for View, Struts Actions Classes for Controller ,Data Value Object as a Model
  • Developed Business Logic and Presentation Layers in Java, JSP and JDBC.
  • Design the database model and generic access beans to store/retrieve business data via JDBC.
  •  Configured DataSources and Connection Pools in Tomcat WebServer.
  • Wrote stored procedures and SQL to access data from Oracle.
  • Production link:

April 2002 –Dec 2002

Financial Data Entry System  (Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, State of Wisconsin, USA)


The current financial database relies on downloads from the NAIC to populate its tables. However, certain companies and company types do not file, or do not timely file, with the NAIC. This requires manual entry to capture the data. The company types retained in the financial data system are limited to property and casualty, life, and fraternal companies. There are a number of other company types for which the data is retained in a haphazard system on multiple platforms. Those company types include: Blue Plans, Continuing Care, Dental Plans, Health Maintenance Organizations, Limited Service Health Organizations, Motor Clubs, Title Companies, Town Mutual, Viaticals, Vision Plans, Warranty Plans, Gift Annuities, Accredited Reinsures, and Surplus Lines. The purpose of this project is to create an interface to allow data entry into the financial database for those companies where information is not available from the NAIC. Having all the data in one central location facilitates access to the data and eliminates the need for redundant data entry.


  • Involved in development including system analysis, project planning, coding, testing, prototyping, documentation, end user training, end user support, troubleshooting and maintenance for the application.
  • Used Common J2EE Design Patterns like Session Facade, Value Objects, Data Access Object and Model-View-Controller.
  • Designed and developed EJBs, Session Beans, Data Value Object using JBuilder 9.0 Enterprise Edition and deployed on Web Logic 8.1 Application Server ,Designing Screens on Delphi 6.0.
  • Evaluated use of EJB 2.0 CMP with EJB QL.
  • Designed and implemented several Stateless Session and Entity EJBs. The Entity beans utilized Container Managed Persistence (CMP). Many of the Session beans used JDBC for direct access to complex Queries and performance was an issue.
  •  Implemented SOAP Web Services for communicating between EJB and Delphi 6.0 Client.
  •  Generated Webservices (WSDL) for Connecting between EJB and Delphi.
  • Used SQL, Stored Procedures, Triggers and PL/SQL with Oracle 8i database.

Jan 2002 –April 2002

Companies Insurance Assessment System (Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, State of Wisconsin, USA)


This system is used to determine the amount to be billed to domestic insurers to conduct annual examinations of the insurer. Earlier various complex calculations were performed using an Excel spreadsheet. A number of steps are performed manually and it was determined that this process needed to be automated.


  • Involved in understanding the system including analysis, project planning, coding, testing, prototyping, documentation, end user training, end user support, troubleshooting and maintenance for the application.
  • Used Common J2EE Design Patterns like Session Facade, Value Objects, Data Access Object and Model-View-Controller.
  • Designed and developed EJBs, Session Beans, Data Value Object using JBuilder 9.0 Enterprise Edition and deployed on Web Logic 8.1 Application Server ,Designing Screens on Delphi 6.0.
  •  Evaluated use of EJB 2.0 CMP with EJB QL .
  • Designed and implemented several Stateless Session and Entity EJBs. The Entity beans utilized Container Managed Persistence (CMP). Many of the Session beans used JDBC for direct access to complex Queries and performance was an issue.
  • Implemented SOAP Web Services for communicating between EJB and Delphi 6.0 Client.
  • Used SQL, Stored Procedures, Triggers and PL/SQL with Oracle 8i database.

May 2001 –Dec 2001

Premium Tax System  (Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, State of Wisconsin, USA)


This system is used to allocate taxes on insurance companies’ premiums and to process those payments made by insurance companies. Payment processing includes premium taxes, fire dues, and other fees owed by insurance companies.


  • Involved in development including system analysis, project planning, coding, testing, prototyping, documentation, end user training, end user support, troubleshooting and maintenance for the application.
  • Used Common J2EE Design Patterns like Session Facade, Value Objects, Data Access Object and Model-View-Controller.
  • Designed and developed EJBs, Session Beans, Data Value Object using JBuilder 9.0 Enterprise Edition and deployed on Borland Enterprise Server ,Designed Screens on Delphi 6.0.
  •  Designed and implemented several Stateless Session and Entity EJBs. The Entity beans utilized Container Managed Persistence (CMP). Many of the Session beans used JDBC for direct access to complex Queries and performance was an issue.
  • Configured DataSources and Connection Pools in Weblogic.
  • Using XML/SOAP communicated Delphi client to Borland Enterprise Server.
  • Used SQL, Stored Procedures, Triggers and PL/SQL with Oracle 8i database.
  • Operating System: Window 2000

June 2000 - April 2001

Electronic Imaging Document Management System  (Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, State of Wisconsin, USA)


Electronic Document Image Management Systems or EDIMS is referred to delivering significant increases in productivity, improvements in customer service levels, enhanced employee job satisfaction and reductions in costs of paper intensive work. The component technologies of EDIMS are imaging, document management, COLD (computer output to laser disk), workflow, document assembly and data capture.
The EDIMS technology, imaging will benefit the business functions of the State Life Insurance Fund, Producer System, and Complaint System of OCI. As there are different kind of around 31,000 Policy files which contain anywhere from five to fifty pages. The policy file is created with the receipt of an application form for insurance coverage.The system is been designed with totally Window based Three tier Architecture with Delphi 5.0 and Oracle 8 so that any system like State Life Insurance Fund (SLIF), Producer System, Complaint System and other Systems which are used inside the OCI Organization can be inherited from the Base Image form.



  • Imaging System developed on 3 Tier Architecture.
  • Design of Imaging Forms, Storing Images in Oracle Database
  • Integrating different Tools of Skyline Image Lib Product with Delphi.
  • Features of Multi Threaded Processes.
  • Features of Burning Annotation on Images/thumbnail/Deskew.
  • Features of Making Bookmark and Storing into Favorite Sections.
  • Features of Docking.

Jan 2000 - May 2000

E – Office ( e – Governance solution for New Delhi, India


This Software is designed for Ministry of Power India. This Project computerizes ministry office. This software keeps tracks of all activities of an office like file movement, scheduling, document/letter movement etc. This software contains Five Modules – Scheduler, Document movement, File Movement, Media Planner and e–Fone (e-Communication). e–Fone Module of this project was developed in two versions. First version was developed using AWT and facilitates one to one chats, while Second version was developed in JFC/Swings and having more functionality and facilities over previous version like one to many Chat and Conferencing etc.


  • Design and Development of File Movement System.
  • Wrote top level Classes to encapsulate complexity of GUI programming using AWT.
  • Wrote DAO classes, which uses JDBC for database operations.
  • Wrote Servlets for interaction with client and DAO classes for any database operation.
  • Introduce dynamic HTML generation for this project.

Jan 1999 - Jan 2000

Oil Intranet Application ( Oil Coordination Committee, New Delhi ,India) 


This Software is designed for Oil Coordination Committee, Department of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas Govt. of India. This is one of the largest Web based Intranet project of India Connecting more then 300 Client Locations in India. It has Ten modules that provide Information, to control distribution of OIL to Oil Companies in India, and helps Ministry to take decisions related with OIL import and answers to questions raised during Question Session of Parliament.


  • Creating and modification of Entry Screens, Reports.
  • Involved in modify database procedures for almost all modules
  •  Involved in design modification of Tankage System, and LPG Coupon System.
  • Wrote Servlets to fulfill client request and access database.
  • Write many generalize library functions for common tasks and validations.

Feb 1997- Jan 1999

khazana Business Information System (KBIS)  ( Taj Trade & Transport Co. Ltd, New Delhi  ,India) 


KBIS system provides a full computerization of Khazana Shops, Purchase Dept, Store Dept, Garment Unit Dept, HR Dept and Financial Accounting System, Fully menu driven, User friendly screens and detailed reports available for day to day transactions. This System is been developed as integrated system of linking 35 Branches through out India.


  • Integrated System Developed on Client Server Architecture.
  • Features of Multi Threading Process like Online Customer Bill Printout, Dialing up for Credit Card verification.
  • Features of Online Profitability Analysis/Costing Analysis /Marketing Analysis/Sales Analysis
  • Features of Income Tax Report /PF Reports/Sales Reports/Customer Purchase Report/Profit Reports.
  • Integrated with 35 Branches throughout India through Intranet.

March 1996- Dec 1997

Financial Accounting and Payroll System   ( Mitsui Kensetsu India Ltd., New Delhi ,India) 


FACT system provides a computerization of Daily Accounting Transactions, like Voucher Entry, Ledger Maintenance, Bill Processing, Profit & Loss and Balance &Sheet. Fully menu driven, User friendly screens and detailed reports available for day to day transactions. Payroll system provides a computerization of Monthly Salary Slips PF/FPF Statement, ESI Statement Salary Reports Fully menu driven User friendly screens and detailed reports available for Salary Statements of different Branches.


  • Integrated System Developed on Client Server Architecture.
  • Features of Income Tax Report /PF Reports/ESI Reports/Profit Reports.
  •  Printing of Vouchers, all Ledgers, Profit & Loss Sheets, and Balance Sheet.
  • Features of Income Tax Report /PF Reports/Sales Reports/Customer Purchase Report/Profit Reports.
  • Implemented in 5 Branches throughout India.

 May 1994-Feb 1996

Timeshare Vacation Ownership Management System ( Toshali Resorts International , New Delhi ,India) 


This software package was responsible for providing facilities , different availability status of all resorts by transferring data through modems, keeping history of all customers for 99 years of vacation. This System was linked with Marketing System to Analysis the Sales Performance of Different Sales Executives Performance , and also Linked with Accounting Timeshare System.


  • Integrated System Developed On DBMS Platform.
  • Integrated Reports /Incentive Reports Availability of different Resorts Status and Accounting Outstanding Statements of Different customers and written 35-45 Reports on Foxpro2.6
  • Implemented in 16 Resorts throughout India


Bachelor Degree in Computer Science (92-95) from Delhi University, New Delhi, India
Diploma in Software engineering (94-97) from National Institute of Information Technology, New Delhi

Organizations Worked on

  • Working as Software Engineer in  iGate Capital  USA since May 2000.
  • Worked as Sr. Software Engineer in Logicsoft International, India. During March-1996- May 2000.
  • Worked as Sr. EDP Programmer in Toshali Resorts International, India, During May 1994- Feb 1996.

Personal Information

Present Address

2925 Fish Hatchery Road
Madison Wisconsin -53713

Phone No :

001-608-658-6365 (Mobile)

Interest Loves Traveling to new places and learning about people.

Page created by Saikat Sengupta
last updated in July 2003