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The Name

I Peter 2:9-*But ye are a chosen generation, a ROYAL priesthood, an holy nation, a PECULIAR people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light*

*Royal Losers*--strange, but kinda cool name huh? Well, we've got a lil 'splaining to do, because we aren't rejects and we really don't have low self esteem or anything. So before you give us the speech about *God loves you! You're not a loser. Be optimistic* like we get alot, here goes. The name started out as a joke between Kristen and Ashley. Bascially, we decided that cool people are annoying because they care too much what people think about them. They can't just goof off, have fun, and be weird because they're too worried about what people think about them. They can't read the closed captioning out loud in Remington Grill, or purposely sing really bad in public, or wear bright orange hats with dark blue shirts, or do the Shrek dance in public or...all that other weird stuff that Kristen and Ashley do, because they're too afraid that they won't be "cool". So we decided that *Loser* is really a good thing. But then... EVERYONE decided that loser is a good thing...and it became a *dum dum dum* Poser word!! And posers are annoying, especially to losers, cuz the whole point of being a loser is being able to be weird and different. So Ashley came up with the idea of *Queen Loser* and *Princess Loser*, since we were the original losers. So now Ashley is the Queen Loser and Kristen is the Princess Loser, and all the other original losers are just Peasant Losers. So then, we decided to start a band called *Royal Losers*. But then, we figured it'd be good if we had a real meaning behind our band name, beside the fact that we want to encourage people to step out from the crowd and be different. And since we're a Christian band, we looked through the Bible. That was when we figured out that *loser* could hafta do with humbling yourselves, and *royal* comes from God being King and us being His children and the verse about us being a "ROYAL priesthood" and "kings and priests". Also, we found a verse in Matthew 5 that says something like "Blessed are the meek for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven". Well, meek=loser and kingdom=royal. So, there it is. Get it? Got it? Good!! :D So be a LOSER!!!!!!!! :D

*To live your life you've gotta lose it, and all the LOSERS get a crown!*~Audio Adrenaline