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            11-12-02 Among the controversy and speculation, Wesyde and Sleazy C. are still standin tall.. we'll try to keep everyone updated as much as we can.. we lost the AOL account as well, so if you want to contact us hit us up at or 


            11-11-02 Looks like we won the muthafuckin' Phat or Whack!! Much love to all the people who voted and for those who voted "whack" .... We got some "Parting" gifts fo ya...

            10-28-02 Rollo Tomasi is this weeks featured artist over at for Phat or Whack!! Go over there or just drop an email to and make sure you put Phat in the subject line and in the message...Show ya love!!        

            10-25-02 ..Looks like we got rebuilt!! much love and thanx goes out to our Webmaster .. for more info on him check out the Webmaster section..

            10-20-02 Check out the pics section...Everyone's been waitin' and anticipatin' so there they are.....

            10-20-02 Check out the Audio section to download the free sampler shit.. tracks 2, 3, and 4 are from our full-length LP "Imajibation" for order info hit up the Contact section or just scroll down a lil' bit more...

Much love to everyone out there.. help spread the Tomasi infection.. Sign up for the newsletter.. Check the Contact section for more info...

Our debut album, "Imajibation" is currently on hold. We're very sorry to say that for the time being we cannot ship out any more. Keep checking back for updates.