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(11/25/03) Fun shit on saturday at the KoC even with our whole time slot issue. A lot of amazing bands played and it was so much friggin' fun to just chill with friends and dance it up like the crazy fools we all are. And i bet Jay and Jess had fun bowling with Jess's lil sis. Much respect to everyone who came out to the show and joined in on all the metal. It was Brandons first show with us too and it went quite well. Friday Dec. 5th everyone needs to come down to the Falcons Nest in Southington to see us rock out with A Heart Bleeds Through, The Distance Between and Arsonata! Should be a good nite. Info should be up under shows. I beg of you all to go!!!!!! ~rijit

(11/11/03) Halloween was fun. jay now has a fresh shaved head! one note: blue man group is amazing, no matter what brian says. so the new song is almost finished. its titled "here's your war now grow up." it'll be ready for the show on the 22nd. maybe another song will be ready but who knows? everyone should try and make it out to the show in wallingford on Nov. 22nd, info is under shows. it should be a lot of fun with a lot of good bands to see. and you can show some love for our second guitarist brandon! and yea, ill def give you a super cool hug if you show up. maybe well set up a live porno at our merch table again...? ya never know! fell thats all. sign the book and you can be as cool as robin williams. RxIxJxIxT

(10/31/03) Yo dudes! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Tonite will be a nite of fun, randomness, work for Brian(visit alessandros!), cat in the hat, possible shaved heads, and matt smashing things. No shows for a while until Nov. 22nd. But rijit is still keeping busy, after long searching and frustrating stuff, rijit is proud to announce the newest addition to the family: BRANDON has officialy been added as rijit's second guitarist. Leave some love for him in the book, see his first show Nov. 22nd (info under shows), check out his other band at, and rape him hard in the bum when you see him. We are also in the process of writing a rockin new song. Hopefully by the next show we should have some new material for you fucks. Well, keep it real and enjoy your Halloween!!! Later RxIxJxIxT.

(10/14/03) hello everybody! yea, so we played a really awesome show at none other than the waterbury vfw. it was def cool to see alot of old friends and hear some good bands and rock out. Brandon from sindakit filled in on bass for jay for most of the set and did an amazing job...its not the last you'll hear of him tho....! Sadly, it was among shattered dreams last show and it sucks alot to see such a great band break up but what an amazing performance they put on. All the bands were SUPER and all rocked out great sets. An enormous amount of high-fives and thumbs up to anyone that played, helped set up the show, and showed up to see it. Pictures will be posted soon. A few things in the works right now for us frisbee throwing maniacs so keep your eyes peeled and your dancin' shoes tight. OH, and brian still needs a girlfriend later dudes! RxIxJxIxT

(10/6/03) Awesome show at donut delite last weekend! great crowd energy and people were dancing and having a good time. a huge thank you to shelby for making all of the donut delite shows possible and for the endless support. We have a show coming up THIS SATURDAY at the waterbury vfw if anyone wants to come and check it out, it should be a lot of fun and there'll be a lot of good bands there. We have been keepin' busy so far this fall working on some new songs, some crazy ideas, possible recording, and some new merch maybe. so heads up motherfuckers. i dont know......sign "the book" and tell us how big of losers we are!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and brian needs a girlfriend so send all applications to RxIxJxIxT

(9/4/03) The show at hungarian hall was a lot of fun. We did an alright job and all the other bands were amazing. We wanna thank everyone who helped put this show together, all the bands, and everyone who came out and had fun. Major updates to the lyrics section, added/updated a lot of check that out. We have a few shows coming up soon including: the Chappy's Chamber reunion show with Sindakit! Sept 14th. This show should be a lot of fun and once again weve got a little dumb suprise being planned for this one so check it out if u can. and we also play Donut Delite Sept. 19th with One Life Down and one more t.b.a. So def check out either of these shows and dance it up have some fun with us!!!!!!!!!!!!! for now go sign the guestbook! later (p.s. Confetti rocks)

(8/28/03) Fall is right of corner and RIJIT is damn sad to wave goodbye to an amazing summer...full of aaron and jason becoming swim-o-holics, brian gettin his license and green truck, and matty playing pool. but school starting and that is no fun. im sure we will all end up bullshitting our way thru. but anyways: BIG SHOW tomorrow nite at hungarian hall in wallingford. everyone should def check it out, it will no doubt be good times. all info is under the shows section. we will also be rocking out our hot new diddy "The Rest of Whatever" so go...chances are you'll enjoy yourself. yea well im hungry so food time. later.

(7/25/03) Summer is in full bloom and RIJIT is enjoying themselves and rocking out. The new site layout is up and we hope you all like it. A dot com address is comin soon too. Been keeping busy with shows and promotion and stuff. Sadly we are parting ways with Tim due to lack of commitment and interest in the band. There are a few people we are trying out soon. August 1st and 16th we have shows in Vernon and we want to get a decent turnout for these shows so we rock out and share some new material with you, so everyone should def check out least one of those shows. Get there early please!!! Info under shows... RIJIT loves you.

(6/18/03) Update? (groans) hmmm, bet everyones wonderin what these crazy cats have been up to as of late. Well we have no shows in June so we wrote a brand new song titled "hopeful"......And we also have rijit T-shirts on the way. In July we head into the studio w/ good friends Fifteen Rhema to record a split ep! Lots of shows this summer so we hope to see all of your sexy asses out there dancin your heads off. Plus rijit would like to extend the biggest fuckin welcome filled with love and respect to the newest addition to the rijit family: TIM has stepped up to the plate to fill the position of second guitarist. His bio will be up soon!!!! Leave love in the guestbook for him. Later RxIxJxIxT.

(5/31/03) Pretty good show up in Vernon. It was awesome to catch up with some old friends and rock out to all the amazing bands we got to play with. Thanks to Radio 4:20 for all their support for the local scene. June 13th-Donut Delight w/ Sindakit and one more T.B.A. soon. Everyone has to go...Tell all your friends. Lata playas RxIxJxIxT.

(5/29/03) Whats new with rijit? Hmm....Its time for an update i suppose! We've played a lot of awesome shows lately, makin lots of friends. After a show with Fifteen Rhema we got an offer to do a split EP with them for no charge. So really amazing shit coming quite soon. Heads up. We are hittin up the studio in June sometime. Vernon on Saturday-check shows section. Peeeeeace. RxIxJxIxT

(5/25/03) Waterbury VFW?- Super amazing show last night. It was just like we promised: Good times, good dancin, good music and good friends. If you weren't there you missed out on an awesome show. And definately MAD love to everyone who came out. Even more love to all the bands like Downstairs with their continued support of us youngins. A big thank you goes out to Drew and everyone else remotely involved with this show. You all fuckin rock my socks. More shows comin up. Later RxIxJxIxT

(5/22/03) Well good shows galore! rijit has some cool shows in the works including some at Donut Delight - info will be up soon. But for now, i command u all to come to the show in Waterbury this Saturday. Itll be a night of wholesome fun, music , and dancing. Just dont step on jays blue suade shoes or he'll make you eat a lemon. All info for that under the SHOWS section. Peace RxIxJxIxT

(5/18/03) rundown list of friday nite: 1. Aaron went insane on stage. 2. Matt fell down while rockin out. 3. Jay wasnt a lump on a log-thanks for movin buddy. 4. Brian sounded great. 5. It didnt rain at all! 6. Sindakit was amazing-gets better everytime, love you fuckers. 7. Zeller showed up and played a suprise set-too awesome for words. 8. After party and brandons house!!! xALLIANCEx 9. More shows at Donut Delight comin soon. All in all an awesome show. Plenty more comin at ya, So check the shows section and be there punk. For now go buy some merch or somethin. Much love RxIxJxIxT

(5/12/03) Sindakit rocks rijit's socks. The show Saturday at Chappy's house was beyond fun. Always a pleasure playin with those kids. We are brothers for life, ALLIANCE! oh and to anyone that can possibly come out this Friday, DO IT!! We've got a show in Wallingford with sindakit and one more t.b.a. Its gonna be an insane night of good times and good fun. And probly sloppy rijit/Sindakit orgy after like usual...Just jokin. Info under shows.

(4/29/03) Awesome stuff Saturday, almost as good as grilled cheese made by your mommy (moms make the best food)....Thanks to everyone who came out, all the bands who rocked out so orgasmically, and Tripset for putting it on. Also a sexy hello/thank you to Adam Kleczsz for video taping and moshing with a camera! May 10th we are privilaged to rock out with SINDAKIT once again. We love those kids so much. ::alliance:: info under shows section. later gator-rijit

(4/17/03) Waterbury VFW April 26th for...FREE!!! Be there or be square... Not too much new goin on. We've been workin really hard and we feel we've become tighter musically and closer as brothas in da hood. We have some new pins on the way so keep a look out. We also might do some recording in May. Check the shows section for some new gigs for you to come on out and chill with us animals. Oh yeah...Everyone eat at Jimmmy's Restaurant in Southington, it kicks the most ass ever... Unless you are Brian!!! RxIxJxIxT

(4/7/03) Well, well, well. After a bad show for the rijit boys saturday, theyve decided to rewrite some songs and perfect all of their material. Plus there is some ideas for a few new songs. For those who saw us in Berlin: sorry. For those who are comin to see us in Waterbury later this month: your in for some high quality metal-core. The waterbury show is FREE!!! So we hope to see "y'all" out there ! rijit !

(3/31/03) BIG show this Saturday. Once again rijit is doing something stupid for your amusement. Come on out and see it all unfold...It'll be classic. On another note, there is some new hott and sexy band pics for your viewing pleasure. We got a threesome of shows in April so dont miss out on your chance to be a part of our evil satanist/gothic cult. later. ~*rijit*~

(3/25/03) Wanna know a secret? Too bad! rijit has not one, not two but THREE awesome shows for the month of April and we hope to see you all at each and everyone of them pretending we are a decent band. Plus for all of the informed individuals, one of those shows happens to be april 19th-4:19. If you know what im talkin about come out and celebrate with our sexy asses. Plus we got that secret being revealed April 5th so come and indulge in your curiousity--rijit.

(3/9/03) Oh my moses jesus christ!! The show at Planet Bean was incredibly amazing. Thanks to everyone who came out and showed support and Sindakit for being sexy and booking this show. The crowd was beautiful and showed a lot of love and energy and helped put on one of the best shows we've ever played. Come out this friday to Sullivan's Hall in downtown Plantsville to help us put on another crazy fuckin set. Later - rijit.

(3/5/03) Heyyy... rijit has 2 Mp3's for download under the media section. We will be selling 5 songs, Thats 5 Songs on Cd for $3 at shows and elsewhere... Speaking of shows, we have a big one coming up Saturday at one of Planet Beans last shows. So come and check it out and make sure you give each member of Sindakit a hug (itd be cool if you gave all of us a hug too.)

(2/22/03)What up punks? How is everyone? rijit has some totally tubular shows comin up, so be sure to check those out. Also, BIG NEWS!! rijit now has a wide selection of merchandise on sale over the internet at The Rijit Online Store. So show your support for the rijit hotties and buy some merch!!! ALSO PICS FROM THE VERNON SHOW ARE UP UNDER THE MEDIA SECTION!! Peace

(1/19/03) The show yesterday went swell. We played with a lot of great talent. Thanks to Sacrosic for their support, for putting the show on, and anyone who let us use their equipment.

(12/31/02) Hope you all had a swell new years and got amazingly stoned/drunk. Rijit was featured in the Record Journal, A reporter pulled up next to matt and jay-jay as they walked their guitars home from practice. They thought it was a rapist. Good times. Check it out at the bottom of the BAND PICS page. Go eat a lemon-rijit

(12/15/02) Pics From Kirk Bitars House Are Up Under The MEDIA Section.

*We Have A Cute Show Scheduled For Us By Down Time Promotion On January 18, More Info Under The Shows Section.

(12/6/02) Evan Has Left Rijit : ( Due To "Personality Conflicts"...Rijit Will Now Just Be A Sexy Four Piece.



(11/9/02) Our First Show Was Pretty Swell. Thanks To Everyone Who Went Out And Showed Support. We Hope Everyone Dug It. Playing With Sacrosic Was Amazing... We Hope To Play More Shows With Them Soon. Reaching Towards The Day Couldn't Make It To Play But Jay (RTTD) Still Came A Long Way To Hook Us Up With A P.A.(Thank You!!) We Are Gonna Set Up More Shows Soon.