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Wise Crack

---------------THE GALAXY



Raven Music
Iguana Photography



Band Name Poll









ENTRY- JULY 26, 2003---- Band photo shoot pictures are up in the photos section! Also, we're having a lot of debate over what our new band name should be, so head over to our Poll section and cast your vote now!! ~Jessica

ENTRY- JULY 24, 2003---- As of yesterday, Nick is no longer with Wise Crack. He left on his own accord and there are no hard feelings. And we wish him luck in his future musical endeavors! Today we had our first official photo session and I will add the pictures to the website tomorrow. I've got a good feeling about this bunch of pix and I think they're gonna look awesome! It also looks like we finally have a steady line-up. Andrew and Matt are great additions and Jonathan and I love them to death! We're still busy writing original material and learning some songs to cover, so hopefully we'll have our first gig pretty soon. Keep your fingers crossed! Also, I've been going to a lot of concerts lately and the two cds that have been spinning non-stop in my stereo are "The Struggle Continues" by Nural and "Audio Alchemy" by The Silence... who are also two bands that I might be working with soon. So check them out! ~Jessica

ENTRY- JULY 15, 2003---- Wow, the most ironic thing happened today... my car was getting fixed and the dealership left it on the street for the paint to dry.. AND IT GOT HIT BY ANOTHER CAR!! So now I have to wait another week for my car to get fixed.. AGAIN! Pray for my poor baby okay? Thanks! Also, the Limitpoint video shoot went great! There were about 250 people there and the show was freakin rad! You can check out the pix at my new site: ~Jessica

(((Archived News)))

"Brave is just those with the clearest of vision of what is to come."

"May the stopping never start." ~Jason Mraz


Jonathan- Bass
Jessica- Throat  Andrew- Guitar
Matthew- Drums












Web Design by: Est- 5/15/03.