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Welcome to the Question Authority's Web Page

Question Authority Band members:

SITE IS STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION -Last Updated:6/09- Nothin to update yet... i will get back to u later. Any one out there have pictures of the band??? E-Mail meh them and i will post them in the pictures section. P.S. Peter if u even know about the web page yet IM me and ill tell u what i need -Thx DaN

New Info-5/26-I Added some pictures that i got from molly theres only 4 of them, i might get more later i dont know, but keep getting them to meh and ill get them in here. thx -DaN

-5/15 and 16-5/16- Im At School right now trying to fix the new main picture of the band but i dont think we shrunk it or edited it at all at rachels so yeh Hahaha oh well u can see there faces right.. eh thats all that matters, well ne ways ill fix it when I get home.. Laugh. 5/15-Donovan, Rachel, And Me scanned alot of the pictures and added some of them to the picture section. I will try to add more.

I will try to keep You guys posted on when and where there next performances will be.-DaN

ok, well if You have ne comments/Suggestions about the site, Instant Messege meh at ~ FuStiGaTeD01~ k , thx.

Email Me At:

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InFo PaGes And Sites

More info about Donovan Goulette
More info about Charlie Parent
More info about Andrew Rohlf
More info about Peter Widin
More info about Brian Peterson
Groopie Page!
Pictures!! (NEW! Birthday party pictures!)
The Managers Page~ (Brand Spanken new)~
Archive of all the old news
Mr. Ras's Page!